Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Civil society and religious figures in Saudi Arabia - Application to Essay

Civil society and religious figures in Saudi Arabia - Application to Transfer - Essay Example However, after the discovery of vast reserves of petroleum in Saudi Arabia, the country has been a central focus of globalisation, internationalisation and modernisation . This has caused the Basic Law of the country, which is steeped in Sharia to be re-examined and reviewed in order to streamline Saudi Arabia’s laws with the international order. This study has identified in the preliminary analysis that the religious and political leadership have shaped the modern history of Saudi Arabia which has in turn influenced the traditions of the Kingdom. The literature review identifies that the international order of the international community is strongly steeped in the Eurocentric theories and concepts of statehood. This study will seek the end of identifying the variance and similarities between the Western view of civil society and the current Saudi civil society systems and structures. This is because preliminary readings show that there are various variances and limitations in the way and manner through which the two different civil society structures are organized. This is because literature identifies that Saudi Arabia’s political and religious institutions are authoritarian in nature. This is not the same as what exists in the Western world. Thus, the dissertation will focus on the articulation of a new construct that will define a new and completely different set of actionable proposals and principles that can be implemented by public policymakers and key stakeholders in the civic society. The recommendations will be based on the findings and empirical analysis of various approaches used in other parts of the world to attain convergence between local and international civil society groups. The aim of the study is to examine Saudi Arabia’s civil society in the context of international political theory over the past century. In order to attain this end, the following objectives will be

Monday, October 28, 2019

Population Seven Billion Essay Example for Free

Population Seven Billion Essay There will soon be seven billion people on the planet. By 2045, the global population is projected to reach nine billion. Can the planet take the strain? The first attempt to estimate the human population may have been carried out by Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek in the 17th century. Based on his calculations, Leeuwenhoek concluded triumphantly, there could not be more than 13.385 billion people on Earth a small number indeed compared with the 150 billion sperm cells of a single codfish. Historians now estimate that in Leeuwenhoek’s day, there were only half a billion or so humans on Earth. After rising very slowly for millennia, the number was just starting to take off. A century and a half later, when another scientist reported the discovery of human egg cells, the world’s population had doubled to more than a billion. A century after that, around 1930, it had doubled again to two billion. The acceleration since then has been astounding. Before the 20th century, no human had lived through a doubling of the human population, but there are people alive today who have seen it triple. According to the U.N. Population Division, by the end of 2011, there will be seven billion of us. The population explosion, though it is slowing, is far from over. Not only are people living longer, but so many women across the world are now in their childbearing years 1.8 billion that the global population will keep growing for another few decades at least, even though each woman is having fewer children than she would have had a generation ago. U.N. demographers project that the population may reach nine billion by the year 2045. The eventual tally will depend on the choices individual couples make when they engage in that most intimate of human acts, the one Leeuwenhoek interrupted so carelessly for the sake of science. With the population still growing by about 80 million each year, it is hard not to be alarmed. Right now on Earth, water tables are falling, soil is eroding, glaciers are melting, and fish stocks are vanishing. If developing countries follow the path blazed by wealthy countries such as clearing  forests, burning coal and oil, scattering fertilizers and pesticides, they too will be stepping hard on the planet’s natural resources. How exactly is this going to work? At certain time periods in history, a high fertility rate was important. In 18th-century Europe or early 20th-century Asia, when the average woman had six children, she was doing what it took to replace herself and her mate, because most of those children never reached adulthood. When child mortality declines, couples eventually have fewer children but that transition usually takes a generation at the very least. Today in developed countries, an average of 2.1 births per woman would maintain a steady population; in the developing world, â€Å"replacement fertility† is somewhat higher. In the time it takes for the birth-rate to settle into that new balance with the death rate, population explodes. The good news is high fertility rates currently only occur in around 16 per cent of the world’s population and mostly in Africa, according to Hania Zlotnik, director of the UN Population Division. In most of the world, however, family size has shrunk dramatically. The UN projects that the world will reach replacement fertility by 2030. â€Å"The population as a whole is on a path toward non-explosion which is good news,† Zlotnik says. The bad news is 2030 is two decades away and the largest generation of adolescents in history will then be entering their childbearing years. Even if each of those women has only two children, population will coast upward under its own momentum for another quarter of a century. One thing is certain: close to one in six of them will live in India. The goal in India should not be reducing fertility or population, Almas Ali of the Population Foundation told me when I spoke to him a few days later. â€Å"The goal should be to make the villages liveable,† he said. â€Å"Whenever we talk of population in India, even today, what comes to our mind is the increasing numbers and these numbers are looked at with fright. This phobia has penetrated the mind-set so much that all the focus is on reducing the number.† The Annual meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA) is one of the premier gatherings of the world’s demographers. Last April the  global population explosion was not on the agenda. â€Å"The problem has become a bit passà ©,† Hervà © Le Bras says. Demographers are generally confident that by the second half of this century we will be ending one unique era in history the population explosion and entering another, in which population will level out or even fall. From this, one can also draw a different conclusion, that fixating on population numbers is not the best way to confront the future. The number of people does matter, of course, but how people consume resources matters a lot more. The central challenge for the future of people and the planet is how to raise more of us out of poverty while reducing the impact each of us has on the planet.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Ellis Island :: essays research papers fc

Ellis Island In the 1600's, Ellis Island was known as Gull Island by the Mohegan tribe and was simply two to three acres. During high tide, the island could barely have been seen above the rising waters. After being discovered for its rich oyster beds in 1628, Dutch settlers renamed it Oyster Island. And then in 1765, which was the hanging of Anderson the Pirate, the island was again renamed the Gibbet Island, after the instrument used to hang him. Finally on January 20, 1785, Samuel Ellis purchased the property and gave it his name, which is still the name of the island today, Ellis Island After passing through a few generations of Ellis's descendents, the island was bought by the state of New York, and then sold to the federal government in 1808 for ten thousand dollars. During the years of 1812 to 1814, the United States Army erected Fort Gibson, which was eventually taken apart by the government in 1861. In 1876, the United States Navy used Ellis Island as a weapons warehouse, storing 260,000 pounds of powder. However, complaints from nearby New Jersey residents lead to the removal of the storage area in 1890. The original station, Castle Garden at the Battery in lower Manhattan, could not handle all of the immigrants coming in. To have room for the immigrants, the island grew to 3.3 acres. In the next two years, Ellis was enlarged to fourteen acres in order to hold all of the immigrants and support buildings. By January 1, 1892, Ellis's first immigration station, a two story high structure of Georgia pine, was open ready for business The most impressive room in the building was the registry room. It measured 200 feet by 100 feet, and had an impressive fifty-six foot arched ceiling. Twelve narrow aisles, divided by iron bars, channeled new arrivals to be examined by doctors at the front of the room. The officials who worked at the island, however, were not impressed by the architecture. In fact, they constantly complained of leaky roofs, and other problems within the building. After long and heated arguments between experts, it was decided that the Superintendent of Construction was extremely inexperienced, and that there was "recklessness in the handling of public money," on the part of the Treasury Department and the Immigration Bureau of Officials. The entire building, excluding the hospitals, had been built shoddily. After news of the problems with the building had been in the media, a lot of people involved with the construction of the building resigned their positions.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Our Crazy World †Technology, Iraq and Hiv/AIDS Essay

Our world today is a crazy one, in many ways. It is so different to what it used to be. The advancement of technology, coupled with such things as HIV/AIDS or terrorism and America’s retaliation (and the Iraq War), combines to form a mind boggling, and somewhat depressing environment for one to live in. With DVD’s and DVD players, Playstations 1s and 2’s, and even ‘old fashioned’ things such as videos, cd’s, and computers, technology easily confuses the innocent bystander. Then there is the bad side of technology (although some would argue that computers and DVD’s are the bad side): chemical warfare, weapons of mass destruction and so on. Why do people create such things? I suppose the answer is greed. As a perfect example we have Saddam Hussein. He kills and suppresses his own people presumably because of greed) and then openly ‘defies’ America (I say sarcastically). Then on the other hand there’s Bush. He’s not exactly evil (or is he?), but he is greedy and moronic. He announces that America is ‘gonna’ kill Saddam and free the Iraqi people, meanwhile he’s thinking that he has Iraq and it’s resources, and is one step closer to global domination. There are rumours of his belonging to the Illuminati, a secret organisation which ‘controls our thinking’ and is aiming to take over the world. So, who does one support in the Iraq situation? Which incoherent miser? My answer to that is rather than side with anyone, one can either totally ignore it, or decide to side with peace. The wonderful thing is that, being neither an Iraqi nor an American (I am in fact South African), I am able to express my distaste for these two particular people without being shot, as Iraqis would have during the war, or possibly outcast as an American. However, Americans would have no reason to ostracize me unless they actually like and support Bush, for I don’t dislike Americans, I dislike greedy and  lying people who exploit a situation to their own good. Just look at the situation: big powerful Bush gives Iraq a whole bunch of weapons of mass destruction (to his own advantage) and then a few years later he complains that Iraq is a threat so he decides to play soldiers and take it all back again, killing a few people in the process. All that negativity about Bush probably makes me sound pro-Saddam, which I am definitely not. To me, he is the epitome of evil. If it came down to it, I think I would be happier if Saddam was killed rather than Bush. Of course there is also the deeply depressing part of our crazy world, HIV/AIDS. While we know for sure that someday Saddam and Bush will ‘hit the bucket’, AIDS may never go away (not to be pessimistic or anything). Unless a cure is found, it seems the only way to stop AIDS is education in prevention. And then people actually have to care enough. It may seem strange to some people, but living in Africa I know what can happen. Some witch doctors actually prescribe having intercourse with a virgin to cure AIDS. One thing that really gets to me is when people say ‘Oh, AIDS isn’t that bad, it’s good population control.’ I then usually ask them if they would have the same view if someone close to them contracted AIDS. Would they simply tell their dying loved one that they are sorry she/he has AIDS, but there are simply too many people on this planet and her death is not really that much of a loss anyway? That usually gets them thinking. So, what are we to do, with all this confusing and depressing†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢stuff’ (for lack of a better word)? It may not sound so wonderful, but I guess we should just plod on and hope it all gets more understandable and less depressing!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night† by Dylan Thomas BY Lolo-H poem â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night† by Dylan Thomas Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, And you, my father, there on that sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Dylan Thomas was a Welsh poet who died tragically young but left a powerful legacy of work. This poem, written to Thomas's dying father, has a strict structure, but an unconventional message. Thoma s encourages his father to rebel and struggle against death, what he calls the â€Å"dying of the light. † Although written for his father, Dylan Thomas himself ironically died the year after his father.Poetry-poem 12. 1 2010: This lesson plan is the property of the Mensa Education ; Research Foundation, www. mensafoundation. org. It is provided as a complimentary service to the public. Reproduction and distribution without modification are allowed. Images, links and linked content referenced herein are the property of the originating entities. Taking it apart Thomas sees lite as a day – death is the closing ot that day, and the dying of the light is the sunset and coming night. Notice the pairing of lines 1 ; 3. Gentle matches rage; good with dying; and night with light.This is a mythological allusion to the gods who could throw lightning bolts and have the skies tremble at the sound of their voice. In this stanza, Thomas says that even though men accept that they are mortal and should die (â€Å"Death is right†), he still encourages a rebellion against it. Stanza 2 talks about how wise men approach death. This stanza is about how â€Å"good† men do. They see the things they did in life reflect like light off of a bay. Rather than being useless, it is the old, near dead, â€Å"grave† men who can really see. â€Å"Gay' here means â€Å"happy' or â€Å"carefree. â€Å"Notice the oxymorons here: â€Å"blinding sight† and â€Å"blind eyes. † There is also a simile comparing eyes that â€Å"blaze like meteors. † Curse, bless, me now witn your tierce tears, I pray. From the general men discussed in the previous stanzas, Thomas narrows to his father in this stanza, pleading with him to fight against death, pleading with him to still be â€Å"fierce. † The lines that have been separated throughout the poem come together in the last couplet to reinforce the theme of the poem. Poetry-poem 12. 2 Memorizi ng it The form of this poem is called a villanelle. It has only two end rhyme sounds.The irst and third lines of the stanzas rhyme, and the second line rhymes with all other second lines. A villanelle ends with a rhyming couplet, and has nineteen lines – divided into five tercets and one quatrain at the end. The strict villanelle structure and rhyme scheme make this poem particularly easy to memorize, particularly since the last line of the tercets are repetitive: you get five lines memorized for the price of two! You actually get more than that because the line â€Å"Do not go gentle into that good night† appears in the poem four times. Using a highlighter or colored pencil, underline the lines that are repeated.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The firm essays

The firm essays It was The Firm that earned him fame and recognition and the book was an instant bestseller (John Grisham, np). The story and the plot were so intriguing that the Paramount Pictures bought the book rights to be turned into a movie and we saw Tom Cruise in the most powerful and dynamic role. However, the Tom Cruise was not the only reason that made the film a success. The Firm, despite having minor errors, like the transition of the role of Abbey and the blindness of the protagonist to recognize or smell mafia connection with the law firm where in he was appointed, provides for a very interesting and intriguing story for the readers that they found it hard to put it down before finishing. This paper thus describes the story of the book, the plot and the different elements of interest in relation to the thesis statement of this report. Afterwards, in the conclusion I would give my own views about the book, the transition of the characters in the novel and the effects of these transitions on the relative characters and on the readers. The Firm (1991) is a book about a young lawyer, Mitch McDeere who has recently graduated from the top most law school and is hired by a small law firm in Memphis. He comes to join the law firm Bendini, Lambert and Locke and find himself in a situation where he neither can get out nor stay in. the book explores the wrongs and illegal affairs of the corporate America and is an insight of how one man ambition is linked with his personal sacrifice, hard work and dexterity and how that ambition is threatened lest saved by the inner conscience and values of ethics and morality. Thesis Statement: In his legal thriller The Firm, John Grisham explores the harsh world of corporate America, the personal sacrifice to achieve success and status, and finally the inner-struggle of one's own morality. In this section I would first give a synopsis of the story and then wo...

Monday, October 21, 2019

manifest desiny essays

manifest desiny essays Manifest Destiny reflected the desire to grow and expand quickly. It also demonstrated the idealistic vision of social perfection that fueled so much of the reform energy of the time. All this rested on the idea that America was destined-by god and by history- to expand its boundaries over a vast area. The idea of Manifest Destiny had spread throughout the nation in the 1840's. It was heavily publicized by the new "penny express" which made newspapers available to a far greater proportion of the population than ever before. Some supporters of Manifest Destiny had relatively limited territorial goals; others envisioned a vast new "empire of liberty" that would include Canada, Mexico, Caribbean and Pacific islands, and ultimately, a few dreamed, much of the rest of the world. There was great enthusiasm over expansion in the 1840's and it all began with the issues of Texas and Oregon. There are several reasons why Americans embraced manifest destiny. Some reasons include European and colonial experience of Christianizing, European background and colonial background of racism, the rise of nationalism and ideals of nation-building, socioeconomic problems of mass urban population dynamics and the need for resources caused by capitalism and industrialization. Westward expansion began with territorial acquisitions that began in 1783. The first was acquired as a result of the American Revolution. The Treaty of Paris allotted the United States lands between the Appalachians and Mississippi River. These acquisitions doubled the size of the U.S. In 1803, Napoleon and the Louisiana purchase granted the U.S. that territory for $15 million. Napoleon struck a desperate deal with the U.S. in desperation for money to finance the costly wars in Europe. This again doubled the size of the United States. The Rush-Bagot Agreement, witch was signed in 1818, set the border of Canada at the 49Â ° parallel. The U ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Create Editorial Guidelines the CoSchedule Way - CoSchedule Blog

How to Create Editorial Guidelines the Way Blog Creating great content consistently isn’t easy. That’s especially true when you’re always juggling multiple projects. Time gets tight. You start cutting corners. Performance declines accordingly. It’s a downward slope. Stay on it long enough, and you might find content marketing axed from your company’s budget. Yikes. So, what’s the solution? How do you make sure every piece you publish is like your best? And how do you enforce quality across a team of in-house and guest writers? Start by developing strong editorial guidelines. You might call them something else. Our friends at Help Scout call them â€Å"editorial values.† Here at , we call them our standards of performance. Whatever word you use, the goal is the same: document standards every piece you publish has to follow. That’ll help make sure you never cut corners again. Read on and let’s make missed steps in your content creation process a thing of the past. The Best Way to Develop Effective Editorial Guidelines What Are Standards of Performance? Standards of performance are concrete guidelines every piece of content you publish is required to meet. They make sure nothing goes out the door without hitting every point on a detailed checklist. When applied consistently, they make sure you never publish anything subpar. Why Are Standards of Performance Important? â€Å"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.† That’s a quote from writer and historian Will Durant. You’ve probably heard some variation of this same idea somewhere before. The takeaway is that people will know you for what you do on a regular basis. As a marketer, that means if you consistently publish quality content, that’s what your audience will come to expect from you. If your stuff is hit or miss (or, worse, consistently poor), they’ll either ignore you or think your brand sucks. If stats from a recent Conductor webinar are accurate, though, most content creators aren’t holding themselves to a high enough standard. Consider this quote: â€Å"†¦ only 0.1% of all content gets more than a thousand shares, and the conversion rate is well under 1%.† That †¦ isn’t great. But, there is an upside. Since the bar is set low, clearing it shouldnt be difficult. Do the work your competition won’t and you’ll succeed. And your standards of performance are what will guide you to that success. Do the work your competition won’t and you’ll succeed.How We Developed Standards of Performance at Back when first started, our marketing team was just one person (Nathan Ellering, who is now our Director of Demand Generation). When you’re a team of one, it’s easy to know what you think content should look like. You try different things, see what works, and do more of what proves to be effective. Then, our team started to grow. Now, we have multiple team members crafting content. Even if creating content isn’t their first focus, a lot of our team members create some kind of content, at least every once in a while. Naturally, managing expectations and maintaining content consistency got harder once more team members got involved. When you add guest authors into the mix, it only gets more complicated. Instead of allowing writers to run wild, we decided it was time to establish quality standards. These would be simple data-driven guidelines that would help us make sure every piece we produce lives up to the same standards as our very best content. We called them our Standards of Performance, and they’ve been our guiding light ever since. Heres how to set standards of performance like @.First Standard of Performance: Comprehensiveness Our aim is to publish the most complete content we possibly can. Ideally, our readers shouldn’t have to read another post on a given topic. If we’ve done our job correctly, you’ll be able to find all the information you need to get a job done or learn a new skill in one place. That often means our content runs long. There’s a reason for that, though. If you want to go more than just puddle-deep into a topic, you’re going to provide something substantive. When we reviewed our top performing content, we discovered our best performing content adhered to this principle. Stuff that went short or cut corners underperformed, while posts that dug deep into research and provided all the actionable steps the reader needed to solve a problem excelled. How Do We Implement This? We’re big fans of the Skyscraper Technique. You’ve probably heard about it before. If not, it’s a simple process coined by Brian Dean that entails. Heres how to implement it in two steps: Read the top ten pieces of content on Google for a given topic. Create one piece of content that’s better and more resourceful than whats already out there. Simple enough, right? Well, from a research perspective, it is. Actually executing that kind of content is (perhaps obviously) substantially more difficult. One way to make this process easier is to start with a simple spreadsheet. Add columns for the following things: Primary keyword. What is the primary keyword being targeted? Check the URL and headline for clues. Secondary keywords  (as best as you can tell). Title tag. This appears as the blue highlighted text in search results. Meta description. This appears as the short (160 character or less) description underneath the title tag in search results. Length. How long is this content? # of Images. Are images present, and if so, how many? Is video present? Does the page include a video? If so, is it an original video, or one from another site? Downloadable assets. Are there any bonus materials included that people can download (PDFs, templates, ebooks, etc.)? H2 and H3 subheadings. Is the page properly formatted with H2 and H3 subheadings, and which keywords (if any) are present? Missing details? Is there any important information about this topic that the page is missing? Documenting your findings along the way can make it easier to keep track of what your content needs to compete. Here’s what your spreadsheet might look like (plus a free copy via Google Sheets you can use here): Second Standard of Performance: (Smart and Strategic) Keyword Targeting We also noticed every post we published targeted a clear keyword. Not only that, but they also incorporated strategic secondary (or LSI) keywords. Those additional long-tail terms tie into comprehensiveness by covering all the most important details about a topic (and proving it both to search engines and real human readers). So, we decided we’d never publish a post without a strong keyword (with rare exceptions). We’ve experimented with that route before. The results have always been underwhelming. How Do We Implement This? Content planning (at least for the Blog) always starts with a heavy amount of keyword research. We’re not just looking for any keywords, though. They have to meet the following criteria: Relevancy. Are these topics or problems that professional marketers are researching? Volume. We consider relevancy most important, but we also want to target terms that a sizeable portion of our audience will care about. Theme. Does the keyword relate to a task that an existing or upcoming feature helps people complete? Before we start searching for specific keywords, though, content ideas might come from any of the following sources: Conversations with our sales team. What do customers (and prospective customers) say their top challenges are? Social media chatter. What are topics people seem interested in on social media? Feature launches. What content could we create to help people get more value from recently added features to ? Personal skill development. What’s something we’ve recently learned how to do that we can share with our audience? Rants. What are things about the industry that frustrate us? Are there ways we think marketers could get certain things done more easily (than the way they’re typically told)? Seasonal topics. Are there certain things that are most relevant at a certain time of year? Brainstorming sessions. Every once in a while, we’ll conduct a team-wide brainstorming session. This process usually nets a month’s worth of ideas in under an hour. This video breaks down how it works: Once we have some idea of what content we need, we’ll fire up our keyword research tools. A few of our favorites include: Ahrefs Keyword Explorer: Part of their growing feature suite, this powerful keyword research tool is by far our favorite. It provides an awesome amount of data to help us determine the best keywords to include. Google Adwords Keyword Planner: They say the classics never go out of style. This tool is free and ubiquitous with keyword research. Ubersuggest: This tool is great for spinning off tons of ideas based on one keyword. Feed it a topic and it’ll return a spate of long-tail variations based on Google autocomplete suggestions. (Tip: try exporting that list and pasting it into the Keyword Planner). These are far from the only options out there. However, they’re the options we use the most. Once we’ve narrowed down ideas we want to run with, we add them onto our internal calendar: If we have ideas we might want to create in the future, we’ll drag them into our Drafts folder (click an item on the calendar and drag it all the way to the right): Recommended Reading: Your Ultimate Content Marketers Guide to Keyword Research Third Standard of Performance: Make Every Piece Actionable Lots of content tells you what to do. Not enough shows you how to do it. This is a major source frustration for us (and the inspiration behind a lot of internal rants). So, we do our best to practice what we preach  and make every piece we publish actionable. What does â€Å"actionable† mean, though? And what does â€Å"actionable content† really look like? Those are common questions we get asked. For us, actionable content shows you how to get stuff done. If it tells you to do something, it either goes through the process step-by-step, or includes a video or link to another resource that does. How Do We Implement This? We make sure our content is actionable by always including  step-by-step breakdowns with whatever visual aids a reader needs to understand what to do. To make your own content more actionable: List the steps required to complete a task. And if you’re going to ask someone to do something in your content, show them exactly how to do it. Add in screenshots or photos. If it’s possible, give readers some visual guidance. Infographics, charts, and graphs can also be helpful. Consider adding video. If you can show how to do something more easily with video, go for it. Sometimes, a minute-long clip is easier to get the point across than 1,000 words and 25 screenshots. Whatever you do, include actionable follow-through in your content. Depending on your industry or niche, this will almost certainly put you ahead of 90% of your competitors. Taking the time to do this right will take time. However, one single actionable piece of content is probably more valuable to your readers (and therefore, your business) than ten pieces that only scratch the surface of any given topic. One single actionable piece of content is probably more valuable to your readers than ten piecesFourth Standard of Performance: Relevancy The best content on a topic your customers don’t care about is useless. You’ve got to make sure what you’re publishing is going to bring in not just a large audience, but the right audience. That’s why we pay close attention to topical relevance when selecting what to write about. The marketing world is big, and there’s a lot of stuff we could cover. However, if we’re going to get the most from our limited resources, we want to make sure we spend the majority of our time writing about the things our audience cares about most. How Do We Implement This? Anytime we publish a piece of content, we ask: Would our target audience care about this? If not, it’s time to scrap that idea and move onto the next one. No time to waste. Does this topic tie into our product’s purpose? If not, is it really something our audience would expect us to publish? Is this something we can speak authoritatively on?  If not, why would anyone listen to us? A more concrete means of determining relevance is to check who else is covering that topic. If sites or companies we consider peers, friends, or competitors are covering it, then that’s a strong indicator it’s relevant. Of course, we take things on a case by case basis though, using our best judgment. Recommended Reading: The Best Way to Document Your Brand Voice Guidelines (Free Template) How to Establish Your Own Standards of Performance This is what works for us. However, every company (and marketing team) is different. Your standards of performance should reflect what’s unique about your company, philosophy, and approach.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Dantes Inferno Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dantes Inferno - Essay Example .." subordinator, and ending with main clauses that open with "so..." Rendered by a single translator, these similes tie together disparate styles encountered between analogies; codified by a recurring language of analogy, they give us a dark comfort just as Homer's tropes of analogy--"Wine dark sea," "Rose fingered dawn"--comfort us. If we can safely assume that what we have accomplished sounds better than prose, can we also believe that we have dislodged Dante's sense little enough to justify the effort It all comes down to no more and no less than that. It seems fair to conclude with a test case. Here is the lovely simile, a mixture of Virgilian pastoral and everyday Tuscan agricultural elements that opens Inferno 24, first in John Sinclair's prose, and then in our free verse. The situation is this: Virgil has been irritated by the mocking of his intelligence by the shade of a Jovial Friar from Bologna, since he had been tricked by a devil and almost gotten Dante killed in an ambush: Dante's style changes with different speakers and settings, and the translator must adjust his style to suit that variety. Francesca's mode in telling of the love that brought her to hell, is very different from the tone Ulysses uses in recalling how he inspired his men to follow him to the ends of the earth. Bertran de Born, holding his head up like a lantern as he tells his sin, has a voice very different from Ugolino's expression of pain and vicious fury. Language and mood shift with the shifting canvas. The simile of the arsenal in Venice as the workmen caulk their unsound ships' with viscous pitch' which introduces the scene devoted to the devils of barratry is different in language and mood from the hoarfrost' image of a country scene evoked to describe the protagonist's feelings of relief at seeing Virgil smile again. Dante succeeds in commemorating not only the paramount movement from visual to verbal levels but the contrary movement from the verbal surface to the picture or vision that lies behind it. The acrostics are something between writing and picture. They have neither the differentiated articulation of a discursive argument nor the representative density of a picture, nor are they as schematic as a diagram, although their numerological distribution has diagrammatic elements. They instantiate rather the locus of a contest among the arts. On the side of vision is the immediacy that places as a picture in "logical space" the Dantean message of man's connection with pride--the fundamental sin. Vision, not discourse, is that toward which the power of the poet

A Study in Ethics - What's you ethical style Essay

A Study in Ethics - What's you ethical style - Essay Example izations are trying to maintain effective workplace environment and significant collaborative workplace environment in order to ensure effective workplace performance. In addition to this, several leading organizations are trying to develop a multicultural workforce in order to ensure effective knowledge sharing within the workforce. Therefore, any kind of harsh and critical step can change the entire environment of the workplace as it can develop several types of critical workplace conflicts. However, ethics of care can help the organizations to increase the motivation level of the team members. Leadership style of Steve Jobs can be considered as democratic leadership style. He used to implement visionary leadership trait within the workplace under the democratic leadership style in order to increase the level of creativity and motivation among the employees. He always implemented ethics of care during the strategy development and decision making process. Therefore, it is clear that ethics of care and responsibility cannot affect the leadership style of a leader. It is true that ethics of care and responsibility can be considered as the characteristics of women rather than men. Women always try to be kind and sympathetic and motivate the employees or team members to get the work done. It is highly important for a manager or a leader within an organization to implement leadership style according to the nature and demand of the workplace situation. It can help the organization to provide effective solution to the developed challenges and issues. This particular attitude or be havior or characteristic of an individual can help him or her to undertake and implement situational approach that can be termed as most right or appropriate approach in the management style (O’Brien, 2013). In addition to this, reflection of ethic of care or responsibility in the leadership style of a manager or a team leader within an organization can help to adopt and implement flexible

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Balanced Scorecard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Balanced Scorecard - Essay Example The Balanced Scorecard Though the balanced scorecard system was originally developed by Kaplan and Norton to be implemented as a technique for performance management and evaluation, the technique is now used extensively by the organizations as a framework for implementation of new strategies in the business by the identification and deployment of the value drivers in the business with an aim to create strategic advantage. The Balanced Scorecard is a management framework comprising of the performance measurement system as well the process of meeting the key strategic objectives for the business. But there are several deficiencies associated with the original Balanced Scorecard framework as designed by Kaplan and Norton. These may be recognized as: The framework does not have a sufficiently codified mechanism to enable the organization to take decision regarding the inclusion and sustainability considerations in the design of the scorecard. Also, the balanced scorecard framework seems to lack the appropriate processes to evaluate risks that are beyond the client related risks. Other drawbacks of the balanced scorecard technique include the dependence of the scorecard on the performance and control features that do not originate from within the organization, the lack of rationality in the original framework of the scorecard model and the validity of the identified objectives based on which the cause and effect mappings are formed. (Banker and Chang, 2004). Also, the balanced scorecard technique does not take into account the effects of external competitive forces and the new technological necessities which are critical in deciding the performance of the organization and play a major role in deciding the risks and future strategies associated with the business. These shortcomings of the balanced scorecard framework can be addressed by including a wider array of people like social and environmental managers effectively in every critical step of the design and implementation of the balance d scorecard and considering the explicit social and environmental risk factors in the different perspectives involved in the building of the scorecard framework (Hoque, 2012). To effectively address the strategic issues created by both the external and internal factors affecting the performance of the organization, a number of techniques should be included in the balanced scorecard building and implementation processes (Merl, 2007). These may include encouraging the collaboration levels between the operations management unit, financial controllers, marketing management and the social or environmental management within the business, integrating a number of innovative strategic indicators into the balanced scorecard which are related to the social and environmental concerns and result in more value creation by the use of these activities and lastly, the identification of the critical strategic concerns related to the operations of the environmental and social wings of the organization . These strategies can be implemented by the use of mapping models and cause and effect diagrams (Kaplan and Norton, 2008). The balanced scorecard is often unsuccessful in meeting its objectives when there

Consumer behaviour within financial services Essay

Consumer behaviour within financial services - Essay Example The paper is based primarily on the views of the literature regarding the consumer behaviour on several industrial sectors and specifically the financial services industry. The development of consumer behaviour in modern financial markets can be influenced by a series of parameters including the structure of the particular market, the needs of consumers and the local cultural and social trends. UK can be considered as an indicative example of the interaction between consumer behaviour and the strategies followed by firms in the financial services industry. More specifically, the study of Nairn revealed that ‘the Sandler report of 2002 found a  £27bn shortfall in the UK nation's savings; the report highlights the industry changes necessary for citizens to increase investment for their future and thus reduce this deficit’. The above report is mentioned by Nairn because of its importance for the development of a specific mode of consumer behaviour in the financial service s industry. Moreover, the examination of all issues related with commercial activity in financial services industry showed that ‘the marketing departments in financial services organisations can go beyond this and harness 'risk tolerance' as a segmentation variable to alter behaviour on a more targeted, micro level; it is suggested that this practice could have an even more profound effect than that envisaged by Sandler’.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Information Systems Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Information Systems Outsourcing - Essay Example Outsourcing may be defined as the transfer of operational responsibility of either business processes or information system and other infrastructure management of an organization to an external service provider to achieve strategic goals, reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction and provide other efficiency and effectiveness improvements. This field has been in constant focus in last few years due to various social and financial issues involved with it. A number of organizations have sub-contracted all or part of their information systems / information technology function to specialist consultancies / contractors. According to Forbes Over 90% of Fortune 500 companies have outsourced at least one major business function. Encouraged by the projections of phenomenal cost savings, many Fortune 500 firms are jumping on to the "outsourcing bandwagon" (Lacity and Hirschheim 1993b). A survey of U.S. CEOs shows that 42% of communication firms, 40% of computer manufacturers, and 37% of semiconductor companies rely on outsourcing from foreign firms. These same CEOs expect the figures on outsourcing to exceed 50% before the mid-1990s (Bettis et al. 1992). Though the process of outsourcing is often considered as a non core business process it may range from low grade high volume and repetitive mechanical processes to a more sophisticated and high-tech development outsourcing. Outsourcing, in general, can be categorized as business processing outsourcing, platform IT outsourcing, application outsourcing and systems and network infrastructure outsourcing Information System outsourcing and processing services spending were approximately $200 billion in 2004, representing an 8.8% compounded annual growth rate (IDC). Information system outsourcing has been fueled by rapid technological change throughout all industries which results in more expense to upgrade systems, more time to install and increase complexity. For smaller companies which have information system and information technology department for just business support, maintaining and managing a good IT/IS department is not viable option, it is practically impossible to have a best team which can take on the market competition but IT/IS is major factor today that decide the success and failure of an organization. This lead to the outsourcing of major IT/IS outsourcings. Entire IT department or some IT/IS services are outsourced. The emerging pervasive nature of the Internet has effectively helped the communication between different parties involved in outsourcing process and has been the major facilitator of outsourcing in recent years. Easy and immediate access to information enables various parties involved in outsourcing to estimate the success of effort and control the entire process flow. Insufficient labor availability in developed countries, especially for those with IT expertise, has also led many companies in developed countries to outsource their business process and functional needs to the countries where cheap and high skilled human resource is available. Outsourcing decisions, in past, were primarily based on anticipated cost savings without the consideration of technology and security, but in

The Various Employment Theories and The Overall Changes in Employment Assignment - 2

The Various Employment Theories and The Overall Changes in Employment Relations Since the 1970s - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that the relation between the management and employee in the workplace is a subject that attracts many people’s attention. Work is a part of people’s lives and so a lot of time is spent dealing with work-related issues. How the society views work today is different from the views of people from in the past due to the changing environments. Employment relation explains the management and regulation of the employment relationship between the worker and the employer. The study of employment relations has led to several theoretical perspectives that have helped explain the nature of employment relations. The following is some of the perspectives draw. The first is Unitarianism, a perspective based on workplace conflicts between the employees and the manager. This theory explains that conflicts in the workplace are inevitable, and they should be seen as a unifier and not a dissolvent. In the organization, the employee carries the s ame interest as the manager and that is to see the organization thrive. In case of disagreement, the two parties agree to disagree for the benefit of the organization. The main cause for conflicts according to Bryson is a clash of personality, promotion, lack of communication skills and dissidents deviation. This can be easily solved by the management through finding the problem and solving it. In Taylor’s scientific management theory he states that employees have limited ambitions and tend to act immature and avoid their responsibilities whenever they can. Companies that choose to subscribe to Taylor’s theory set clear roles and directives on assignments undertaken at work. The approach here gives management an upper hand because it has great authority on the workers. The other theory applicable in this case is the human relations theory where workers are viewed as individuals who are self-motivated and have a sense of self-fulfillment in the organization. In this the ory, workers are granted the autonomy to operate in a manner that they feel the job satisfaction. Organizations that adopt this approach create a self-governing environment and allow employees to govern themselves. The second set of assumption is pluralism and unlike Unitarianism pluralism believes that work conflict is necessary and healthy for the organization. Businesses are made up of different complex groups with each group carrying different interests.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Information Systems Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Information Systems Outsourcing - Essay Example Outsourcing may be defined as the transfer of operational responsibility of either business processes or information system and other infrastructure management of an organization to an external service provider to achieve strategic goals, reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction and provide other efficiency and effectiveness improvements. This field has been in constant focus in last few years due to various social and financial issues involved with it. A number of organizations have sub-contracted all or part of their information systems / information technology function to specialist consultancies / contractors. According to Forbes Over 90% of Fortune 500 companies have outsourced at least one major business function. Encouraged by the projections of phenomenal cost savings, many Fortune 500 firms are jumping on to the "outsourcing bandwagon" (Lacity and Hirschheim 1993b). A survey of U.S. CEOs shows that 42% of communication firms, 40% of computer manufacturers, and 37% of semiconductor companies rely on outsourcing from foreign firms. These same CEOs expect the figures on outsourcing to exceed 50% before the mid-1990s (Bettis et al. 1992). Though the process of outsourcing is often considered as a non core business process it may range from low grade high volume and repetitive mechanical processes to a more sophisticated and high-tech development outsourcing. Outsourcing, in general, can be categorized as business processing outsourcing, platform IT outsourcing, application outsourcing and systems and network infrastructure outsourcing Information System outsourcing and processing services spending were approximately $200 billion in 2004, representing an 8.8% compounded annual growth rate (IDC). Information system outsourcing has been fueled by rapid technological change throughout all industries which results in more expense to upgrade systems, more time to install and increase complexity. For smaller companies which have information system and information technology department for just business support, maintaining and managing a good IT/IS department is not viable option, it is practically impossible to have a best team which can take on the market competition but IT/IS is major factor today that decide the success and failure of an organization. This lead to the outsourcing of major IT/IS outsourcings. Entire IT department or some IT/IS services are outsourced. The emerging pervasive nature of the Internet has effectively helped the communication between different parties involved in outsourcing process and has been the major facilitator of outsourcing in recent years. Easy and immediate access to information enables various parties involved in outsourcing to estimate the success of effort and control the entire process flow. Insufficient labor availability in developed countries, especially for those with IT expertise, has also led many companies in developed countries to outsource their business process and functional needs to the countries where cheap and high skilled human resource is available. Outsourcing decisions, in past, were primarily based on anticipated cost savings without the consideration of technology and security, but in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Substance abuse in teenager Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Substance abuse in teenager - Scholarship Essay Example It has been seen that there are 2.5 million deaths each year due to alcohol consumption. There are a lot of people between the age group of 15 and 29 who are dying from ‘alcohol- related causes† and disorders due to intake of drugs is found in 15.3 million people (Substance Abuse, 2011). When the use of drugs goes beyond the realm of experiment into a â€Å"problematic involvement† then it is specified under different classification system. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- IV), fourth edition is a one such primary system which has mentioned the major indicators of substance abuse. It includes â€Å"role impairment, physically hazardous use, recurrent substance related legal problems and drug related social and interpersonal difficulties (Mash & Barkley, 2009, pp.185). Substance abuse has now become very common in case of teenagers in United States and this necessitates proper treatment programs and preventive measures. Substance abuse is a phenomenon which has become very common among different sections of the population especially the teenagers or adolescence. Adolescence period is a very crucial time in a child’s life because it a time when changes are observed on â€Å"biological, cognitive and social levels.† They come across new scenarios in their lives and often many are involved in substance abuse. Teenagers often resort to drugs and alcohol as they think them to be the mediums to become stress free. At times in their quest to â€Å"fit in with peers† or in trying to model the behavior of some family member they take the help of drugs and alcohol (Berman, 1995). The use of alcohol and drugs among the teenagers has increased over the years across the world. In United States, the studies have shown that more than half of the students in 12th grade had consumed illicit drug. Almost 76.8% students had consumed alcohol. A number of students in the 8th grade were also found to have taken drugs and alcohol. Drug use does not

Monday, October 14, 2019

Alcoholic Beverage and Quantum Software Essay Example for Free

Alcoholic Beverage and Quantum Software Essay Quantum Software does indeed have a problem involving a disagreement in the appropriateness of a company sponsored social activity. This weekly gathering is offered by Quantum’s management as a reward for their productiveness displayed throughout the week. While the get-together appears to be very popular among employees and managers alike, there is at least one party (Bill, the corporate attorney) who voices objection to the weekly festivity (Brown Harvey, 1995). The problems can be defined in terms of macro; issues having to do with leadership, resources, and the surrounding infrastructure, and micro, which include internal issues such as employee training, empowerment and organizational processes. (Packard 2005). The macro issue is that there is a difference in opinion on whether or not the â€Å"beer bust† is an appropriate means of rewarding the company’s employees. Stan and Erin, the founders of Quantum Software, feel that this time is beneficial because it provides an opportunity to â€Å"encourage the team concept† (Brown Harvey, 1995). Bill however, after witnessing an employee stumbling as a result of his drinking, questions the company’s liability of providing alcohol during the workday. The micro issue, although not specifically stated in the study, is that coworkers are subject to seeing each other as well as members of management in an intoxicated state; creating a situation where professional integrity could be compromised. The cause for the conflict is the fact that the company is offering its employees alcohol during work hours, creating a situation where Quantum would be held liable should an accident occur at work or as the employees were leaving the office. Additional concerns are warranted in considering that not all employees (based on statistically studies of drinking in the workplace) will be included in an event where drinking alcohol is involved (NZMA, 2006). Additionally, studies show that organizations that encourage drinking at work have a higher rate of employees with drinking problems; which can greatly affect worker performance (National Institute On Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism, 2006). Alternative opportunities should be offered to the employees that would achieve the goals that Stan and Erin have set of creating an atmosphere where workers can â€Å"blow off a little steam† without providing alcohol (Brown Harvey, 1995). Recognizing that the workers are adults and have the ability to make responsible decisions in regards to drinking, perhaps a social committee could provide an alternate experience to the â€Å"beer bust† that does not conflict with the interest of Quantum Software. There are two recommendations that I would offer to the management team of Quantum Software. First, the monies dedicated to offering the current â€Å"beer bust† should be redirected to an offering that includes all employees, including those that do not drink. This will provide an inclusive atmosphere where all employees can participate. Second, an off-property location should be established by a social committee (not management) where employees have the opportunity to â€Å"socialize over a beer without the pressure of work† (Brown Harvey, 1995). This way the employees are on their own time and are responsible for their own actions; relieving Quantum Software of any responsibility for its employee’s actions. References Brown, D. Harvey D. (2006). An experimental approach to organization and development. Upper Saddle River: Pearson National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2008). Alcohol and the workplace Retrieved March 23, 2008 from http://alcoholism. about. com/od/work/l/blnaa44. htm NZMA (2006). Alcohol consumption. Retrieved March 23, 2008 from http://www. nzma. org. nz/journal/116-1184/645/Figures%20and%20tables. pdf Packard,T. (1995). TQM and organizational change and development. Retrieved March 23, 2008 from http://www. improve. org/tqm. html#Exhibit%20I:%20A%20Force%20Field %20.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The American Constitution and Drug War Essay -- American Government, L

The consensus with regards to drug laws favors more stringent and draconian laws, with the attempt to stifle use and punish crime. There are many claims used against drug legalization, such as, moral degradation, crime, the destruction of inner cities; along with families, diseases, such as AIDS, and the corrupting of law enforcement. When one examines the effects of prohibition, one has to inquire: has the cost been worth it? Certainly, an argument for the abolition of prohibition doesn’t include the favoring of drug use, but merely recognizes the vain and utopian attempt to control individual choices. Along these lines, the unintended consequences of these attempts may preclude any benefits. Further, one has to wonder: are these laws—at the federal level—constitutional or not? This paper will examine the issue of drug prohibition from a constitutional standpoint, an economic perspective, and the societal effects these laws have. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land. While this statement seems axiomatic, it’s essential to discern the explication and implication of this with regard to the drug war. It’s been assumed that whatever the federal government passes is by the fact itself constitutional, notwithstanding the Supreme Court. However, to the dismay of some, this statement is blatantly false. The Constitution was ratified on the condition that only the powers the federal government would possess were the ones specifically delegated to it by the states. This is reinforced by the 10th amendment (Mount, 2010). This view stipulates that the federal government is limited and defined; and, for the government to garner new powers, the correct approach would be through Article V’s amendment process. ... ...this construction of the words â€Å"necessary and proper,† is not only consonant with that which prevailed during the discussions and ratification of the constitution, but is absolutely necessary to maintain their consistency with the peculiar character of the government, as possessed of particular and defined powers, only; not of the general and indefinite powers vested in ordinary governments. (Tucker, 2010) To take a step beyond these powers would cripple the constitution and thus cripple our democratic principles and process. In order for changes to be made—which there have been—the proper arrangement would be the amendment process. If it took the Eighteenth Amendment in 1919 to outlaw alcohol, it would seem logical and constitutional to outlaw drugs (Vick, 2010). In sum, any laws at the federal level that outlaw drugs, based on these facts, are unconstitutional.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

An Analysis of Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Othello Essays

â€Å"Think on thy sins† (5.2.43) he says, â€Å"They are loves I bear to you† (5.2.44) I respond. â€Å"Ay, and for that thou diest† (5.2.45). There is no pleading with my lord, his once amorous filled eyes are now brimming with anger, and anguish. This whole conversation has turned my mind into mush. How can he think that I would ever love Cassio? Is it not plain that he, Othello, is my lord and the only object of my affection? Does it not matter? I think it doesn’t. Othello’s whole body is shaking (5.2.50) and his eyes are rolling (5.2.41), these signs do not bode well for my life. Worse yet, he has already had Cassio killed. â€Å"Oh, banish me, my lord, kill me not!† (5.2.88) I beg, â€Å"Down, Strumpet,† he is undeterred (5.2.89). â€Å"It is too late† (5.2.95). I am not sure if I thought that, or if Othello said it. Either way, it is too late. His strong, calloused fingers are clutching my throat, violently squeezing unt il all of the air leaves my lungs. Spots- I see spots. Brightly colored yellow, red and blue spots. The spots grow and take shape. Images and scenes from my life are passing before my eyes, and then it hits me. â€Å"O, falsely, falsely murdered!† I cry (5.2.126). Emilia is here, â€Å"†¦ Sweet Desdemona, O sweet mistress, speak!† she begs (5.2.131). I must tell her, â€Å"A guiltless death I die† (5.2.132). â€Å"O, who hath done this deed?† Emilia inquires (5.2.133). She has to know the truth, â€Å"Nobody, I myself. Farewell. Commend me to my kind lord. O, farewell† (5.2.134-135). As the saying goes, hindsight is always twenty-twenty. For Desdemona, this is especially true. Desdemona was innocent and naà ¯ve to a fault. Her determination to mend the relationship between Cassio and Othello, only served to nourish the seed of doubt that was planted in Othello’... ... the light of heaven I know not how I lost him† (4.2.152-153). Once Iago planted the seed, created the story and showed Othello that Cassio had the Handkerchief, Desdemona was rendered guilty. It did not matter how much Desdemona protested, or denied the story, Iago’s reputation as an honest man superseded Desdemona’s reputation as a woman who, according to Iago, â€Å"†¦so young could give out such seeming, to seel her father’s eyes up close as oak, he thought ‘twas witchcraft† (3.3.213-215). Desdemona’s final line in the play shows that she believes she was responsible for her own death. In truth, however, the only sin Desdemona ever committed was bearing loves to the moor of Venice. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Othello, Moor of Venice. The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Julia Reidhead. New York: .W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2008. 2119-2191. Print.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 3

The bright morning sun shone on the long, winding drive that led to the garage behind the boardinghouse. Puffs of white cloud scudded across the light blue sky. It was such a peaceful scene that it was almost impossible to believe that anything bad had ever happened in this place. The last time I was here, thought Stefan, putting on his sunglasses, it was a wasteland. When the kitsune had held sway in Fel ‘s Church, it had been a war zone. Children against parents, teenage girls mutilating themselves, the town half-destroyed. Blood on the streets, pain and suffering everywhere. Behind him, the front door opened. Stefan turned quickly to see Mrs. Flowers coming out of the house. The old woman wore a long black dress, and her eyes were shielded by a straw hat covered with artificial flowers. She looked tired and worn, but her smile was as gentle as always. â€Å"Stefan,† she said. â€Å"The world is here this morning, the way it should be.† Mrs. Flowers stepped closer and gazed up into his face, her sharp blue eyes warm with sympathy. She looked as if she were about to ask him something, but at the last minute seemed to change her mind and instead said, â€Å"Meredith cal ed, and Matt, too. It seems that, against al the odds, everyone has survived unscathed.† She hesitated, and then squeezed his arm. â€Å"Almost everyone.† Something twisted painful y in Stefan's chest. He didn't want to talk about Damon. He couldn't, not yet. Instead, he bowed his head. â€Å"We owe you a great debt, Mrs. Flowers,† he said, choosing his words with care. â€Å"We never could have defeated the kitsune without you – you were the one who held them at bay and defended the town for so long. None of us wil ever forget that.† Mrs. Flowers's smile deepened, an unexpected dimple flickering in one cheek. â€Å"Thank you, Stefan,† she said with equal formality. â€Å"There is no one I would have rather fought alongside than you and the others.† She sighed and patted his shoulder. â€Å"Although I must be getting old at last; I feel the need to spend most of today dozing in a chair in the garden. Fighting evil takes more out of me than it used to.† Stefan offered his arm to assist her down the porch steps, and she smiled at him once more. â€Å"Tel Elena that I'l make those tea biscuits she likes whenever she's ready to leave her family and come visit,† she said, then turned toward her rose garden. Elena and her family. Stefan imagined his love, her silky blond hair tumbling about her shoulders, little Margaret in her lap. Elena had another shot at a real human life now, which was worth everything. It had been Stefan's fault that Elena lost her first life – he knew that with a hard certainty that gnawed at his insides. He had brought Katherine to Fel ‘s Church, and Katherine had destroyed Elena. This time he would make sure Elena was protected. With one last glance at Mrs. Flowers in her garden, he squared his shoulders and walked into the woods. Birds sang at the sun-dappled edges of the forest, but Stefan was headed much deeper in, where ancient oaks grew and the underbrush was thick. Where no one would see him, where he could hunt. Stopping in a smal clearing several miles in, Stefan took off his sunglasses and listened. From nearby came the soft crackle of something moving beneath a bush. He concentrated, reaching out with his mind. It was a rabbit, its heart beating rapidly, looking for its own morning meal. Stefan focused his mind on it. Come to me, he thought, gently and persuasively. He sensed the rabbit stiffen for a moment; then it hopped slowly out from under a bush, its eyes glassy. It came toward him docilely and, with an extra mental nudge from Stefan, stopped at his feet. Stefan scooped it up and turned it over to reach the tender throat, where its pulse fluttered. With a silent apology to the animal, Stefan gave himself over to his hunger, al owing his fangs to click into place. He tore into the rabbit's throat, drinking the blood slowly, trying not to wince at the taste. While the kitsune had threatened Fel ‘s Church, Elena, Bonnie, Meredith, and Matt had insisted he feed on them, knowing human blood would keep him as strong as possible for the fight. Their blood had been almost otherworldly: Meredith's fiery and strong; Matt's pure and wholesome; Bonnie's sweet as dessert; Elena's heady and invigorating. Despite the foul taste of the rabbit in his mouth, his canines prickled with remembered hunger. But now he wouldn't drink human blood, he told himself firmly. He couldn't keep crossing that line, even if they were wil ing. Not unless his friends' saf ety was at risk. The change from human to animal blood would be painful; he remembered that from when he had first stopped drinking human blood – aching teeth, nausea, irritability, the feeling that he was starving even when his stomach was ful – but it was the only option. When the rabbit's heartbeat stopped altogether, Stefan gently disengaged. He held the limp body in his hands for a moment, then set it on the ground and covered it with leaves. Thank you, little one, he thought. He was stil hungry, but he had already taken one life this morning. Damon would have laughed. Stefan could almost hear him. Noble Stefan, he would scoff, his black eyes narrowing in half-affectionate disdain. You're missing all the best parts of being a vampire while you wrestle with your conscience, you fool. As if summoned by his thoughts, a crow cawed overhead. For a moment, Stefan ful y expected the bird to plummet to earth and transform into his brother. When it didn't, Stefan gave a short half laugh at his own stupidity and was surprised when it sounded almost like a sob. Damon was never coming back. His brother was gone. They'd had centuries of bitterness between them and had only just started to repair their relationship, joining together to fight the evil that always seemed drawn to Fel ‘s Church and to shield Elena from it. But Damon was dead, and now Stefan was the only one left to protect Elena and their friends. A latent worm of fear squirmed in his chest. There was so much that could go wrong. Humans were so vulnerable, and now that Elena had no special powers, she was as vulnerable as any of them. The thought sent him reeling, and immediately he took off, running straight toward Elena's house on the other side of the woods. Elena was his responsibility now. And he would never let anything hurt her again. The upstairs landing was almost the same as Elena remembered it: shining dark wood with an Oriental carpet runner, a few little tables with knickknacks and photographs, a couch near the big picture window overlooking the front drive. But halfway to the stairs, Elena paused, glimpsing something new. Among the silver-framed photos on one of the smal tables was a picture of herself and Meredith and Bonnie, faces close together, grinning widely in caps and gowns and proudly brandishing diplomas. Elena picked it up, holding it close. She had graduated from high school. It felt odd to see this other Elena, as she couldn't help thinking of her, her blond hair pul ed back in an elegant French twist, creamy skin flushed with excitement, smiling with her best friends, and not remember a thing about it. And she looked so carefree, this Elena, so ful of joy and hope and expectations for the future. This Elena knew nothing of the horror of the Dark Dimension or the havoc the kitsune had caused. This Elena was happy. Glancing quickly among the photos, Elena located a few more she hadn't seen before. Apparently this other Elena had been queen of the Snow Bal , though Elena remembered Caroline had won that crown after Elena's de ath. In this picture, however, Queen Elena was resplendent in pale violet silk, surrounded by her court: Bonnie fluffy and adorable in shiny blue taffeta; Meredith sophisticated in black; auburn-haired Caroline looking aggrieved in a tight silver dress that left very little to the imagination; and Sue Carson, pretty in pale pink, smiling straight into the camera, very much alive. Tears stung Elena's eyes once more. They had saved her. Elena and Meredith and Bonnie and Matt and Stefan had saved Sue Carson. Then Elena's gaze landed on another photograph, this one of Aunt Judith in a long, lacy wedding dress, Robert standing proudly beside her in a morning suit. With them was the other Elena, clearly the maid of honor, in a dress the color of green leaves, holding a bouquet of pink roses. Beside her stood Margaret, shining blond head ducked shyly, grasping Elena's dress with one hand. She was wearing a ful -skirted white flower girl's dress tied with a wide green sash, and she clutched a basket of roses in her other hand. Elena's hands shook a little as she put this picture down. It looked as if a good time had been had by al . What a pity she hadn't actual y been there. Downstairs, a glass clinked against the table, and she heard Aunt Judith laugh. Putting aside al the strangeness of this new past she'd have to learn, Elena hurried down the stairs, ready to greet her future. In the dining room, Aunt Judith poured orange juice from a blue jug while Robert spooned batter onto the waffle iron. Margaret was kneeling behind her chair, narrating an intense conversation between her stuffed rabbit and a toy tiger. A great surge of joy fil ed Elena's chest, and she grabbed Aunt Judith in a tight hug and spun her around. Orange juice spil ed across the floor in a wide arc. â€Å"Elena!† scolded Aunt Judith, half laughing. â€Å"What's the matter with you?† â€Å"Nothing! I just I love you, Aunt Judith,† Elena said, hugging her tighter. â€Å"I real y do.† â€Å"Oh,† said Aunt Judith, her eyes soft. â€Å"Oh, Elena, I love you, too.† â€Å"And what a beautiful day,† Elena said, pirouetting away. â€Å"A wonderful day to be alive.† She dropped a kiss on Margaret's blond head. Aunt Judith reached for the paper towels. Robert cleared his throat. â€Å"Are we to take it that you've forgiven us for grounding you last weekend?† Oh. Elena tried to figure out how to respond, but after she'd been living on her own for months, the whole concept of being grounded by Aunt Judith and Robert seemed ridiculous. Stil , she widened her eyes and put on an appropriately contrite expression. â€Å"I'm truly sorry, Aunt Judith and Robert. It won't happen again.† Whatever it is. Robert's shoulders relaxed. â€Å"We'l say no more about it, then,† he said with obvious relief. He slid a hot waffle onto her plate and handed her the syrup. â€Å"Do you have anything fun planned for today?† â€Å"Stefan is picking me up after breakfast,† Elena said, then paused. The last time she had talked to Aunt Judith, after the disastrous Founder's Day pageant, Aunt Judith and Robert had been seriously anti-Stefan. They, like most of the town, had suspected him of being responsible for Mr. Tanner's death. But apparently they had no problem with Stefan in this world, because Robert simply nodded. And, she reminded herself, if the Guardians had done what she asked, Mr. Tanner was alive, so they couldn't have suspected Stefan of kil ing him†¦ Oh, it was al so confusing! She went on: â€Å"We're going to hang out in town, maybe catch up with Meredith and the others.† She couldn't wait to see the town back to its old, safe self and to be with Stefan when, for once, they weren't battling some horrible evil but could just be a normal couple. Aunt Judith grinned. â€Å"So, just another lazy day, hmm? I'm glad you're having a nice summer before you go off to col ege, Elena. You worked so hard al last year.† â€Å"Mmm,† said Elena vaguely, cutting into her waffle. She hoped the Guardians had gotten her into Dalcrest, a smal col ege a couple hours away, as she'd requested. â€Å"Come on up, Meggie,† Robert said, buttering the little girl's waffle. Margaret scrambled up onto her chair, and Elena smiled at the obvious affection on Robert's face. Margaret was clearly his darling little girl. Catching Elena's eye, Margaret growled and thrust the toy tiger across the table toward her. Elena jumped. The little girl snarled, and her face was momentarily transformed into something savage. â€Å"He wants to eat you with his big teeth,† Margaret said, her little-girl voice hoarse. â€Å"He's coming to get you.† â€Å"Margaret!† Aunt Judith scolded as Elena shuddered. Margaret's briefly feral look reminded her of the kitsune, of the girls they had driven mad. But then Margaret gave her a huge grin and made the tiger nuzzle Elena's arm. The doorbel rang. Elena crammed the last bite of waffle into her mouth. â€Å"That's Stefan,† she mumbled around it. â€Å"See you later.† She wiped her lips and checked her hair in the mirror before opening the door. And there was Stefan, as handsome as ever. Elegant Roman features, high cheekbones, a classical straight nose, and sensual y curving mouth. He held his sunglasses loosely in one hand, and his leaf green eyes caught hers with a gaze of pure love. Elena broke into a wide, involuntary smile. Oh, Stefan, she thought to him, I love you, I love you. It's so wonderful to be home. I can't stop missing Damon and wishing we could have done something differently and saved him – and I wouldn't want to stop thinking of him – but I can't help being happy, too. Wait. She felt like someone had slammed on the brakes and she'd been thrown against a seat belt. Though Elena was sending the words, and a huge wave of affection and love with them, toward Stefan, there was no response, no return of emotions. It was as if there were an invisible wal between her and Stefan, blocking her thoughts from reaching him. â€Å"Elena?† Stefan said aloud, his smile faltering. Oh. She hadn't realized. She hadn't even thought about this. When the Guardians took her powers, they must have taken everything. Including her telepathic connection to Stefan. It had lingered†¦ She was sure she had stil heard him, and reached his mind, after she had lost her connection to Bonnie. But now it was gone completely. Leaning forward, she grasped his shirt, pul ed him to her, and kissed him fiercely. Oh, thank God, she thought, as she felt the familiar, comforting sense of their minds entwining. Stefan's lips curled into a smile beneath hers. I thought I'd lost you, she thought, that I wouldn't be able to reach you like this anymore, either. Unlike with the telepathic connection they'd shared, she knew the thoughts weren't reaching Stefan as words but as images and emotions. From him, she felt a wordless, steady stream of unfailing love. A throat was cleared pointedly behind them. Elena reluctantly released Stefan and turned to see Aunt Judith watching them. Stefan straightened with an embarrassed blush, the slightest look of apprehension in his eyes. Elena grinned. She loved that he'd been through hel – literal y – but was stil scared to upset Elena's aunt. She put her hand on his arm, trying to send a message that Aunt Judith now accepted their relationship, but Aunt Judith's warm smile and greeting said it for her. â€Å"Hel o, Stefan. You'l be back by six, won't you, Elena?† Aunt Judith asked. â€Å"Robert's got a late meeting, so I thought you, Margaret, and I could go out for a girls' night together.† She looked hopeful yet hesitant, like someone knocking on a door that might be slammed in her face. Elena's stomach knotted with guilt. Have I been avoiding Aunt Judith this summer? She could imagine that, if she hadn't died, she might have been eager to move on with her life and chafed at the family that wanted to keep her home and safe. But this Elena knew better – knew how lucky she was to have Aunt Judith and Robert. And it seemed that this Elena had a lot of making up to do. â€Å"Sounds like fun!† she said cheerful y, pasting a bright smile on her face. â€Å"Can I invite Bonnie and Meredith? They'd love a girls' night.† And it would be nice, she thought, to have friends around who were as clueless about what had been going on in this version of Fel ‘s Church as she was. â€Å"Wonderful,† Aunt Judith said, looking happier and more relaxed. â€Å"Have a good time, kids.† As Elena headed out the door, Margaret ran out of the kitchen. â€Å"Elena!† she said, wrapping her arms tightly around Elena's waist. Elena bent and kissed the top of her head. â€Å"I'l catch you later, bunny rabbit,† she said. Margaret motioned for Elena and Stefan to kneel down, then put her lips right next to their ears. â€Å"Don't forget to come back this time,† she whispered before retreating inside. For a moment, Elena just knelt there, frozen. Stefan squeezed her hand, pul ing her up, and even without their telepathic connection, she knew they were having the same thought. As they headed away from the house, Stefan took her by the shoulders. His green eyes gazed into hers, and he bent forward to brush a light kiss upon her lips. â€Å"Margaret's a little girl,† he said firmly. â€Å"It could just be that she doesn't want her big sister to leave. Maybe she's worried about you going off to col ege.† â€Å"Maybe,† Elena murmured as Stefan wrapped his arms around her. She inhaled his green, woodsy scent and felt her breathing slow and the knot in her stomach loosen. â€Å"And if not,† she said slowly, â€Å"we'l work it out. We always do. But right now I want to see what the Guardians gave us.†

Thursday, October 10, 2019

One God Essay

Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) said: â€Å"If you love me keep my commandments and I will pray to the Father, and he shall send you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever† (John – 14:15, 16) It should be noted that some English bibles have the Greek word Paraclete instead of Comforter; but in Greek the word actually spells as PERIQLYTOS. Rev. David Benjamin Kaldani, B.D. Bishop of Urumiah Persia, the Greek classical scholar and Bible authority who converted to Islam, in his book â€Å"Muhammed in the Bible† has discussed the original Greek word, the actual word which Jesus (pbuh) might have used in his native tongue, Aramic (Dialect of Hebrew) regarding the word â€Å"Comforter†. Dr. Kaldani writes: It is to be noted again that the Greek Text has ‘Periqlytos’ instead of Paraclete. So, if we want to find out the real sense of the word, we must correct the text and supply the corrupted words thus â€Å"I shall go to the Father, and he shall send you another Apostle whose name shall be Periqyltos, that he may he remain with you forever.† One need not be a Greek scholar to know that the Greek word for Comforter is not Periqlytos but Paracloon. Periqlytos, chronologically and literally, means the most illustrious, renowned, and praise-worthy. I take for my authority Alexandre’s Dictionarie Grec-Francais – This compound noun is composed of the prefix ‘Peri’ and ‘Kleotis’ the latter derived from ‘to glorify’ ‘to praise’. Thus Periqlytos means precisely what ‘Ahmed’ means in Arabic namely ‘the most illustrious and glorious’ The only difficulty to be solved is to discover the original Semitic name used by Jesus Christ either in Hebrew or Aramaic. If I am not mistaken, the Aramaic form must have been ‘MHAMDA’ or ‘HAMIDA to correspond with the Arabic name ’MUHAMMED’ or ‘AHMAD’ and the Greek PERIQLYTOS. It is marvellous that this unique name, Periqlytos never before given to any other person, was miraculously preserved for MUHAMMAD, the last prophet or Apostle of God. We never come across any greek gentleman bearing the name of Periqlytos nor any Arab bearing the name MUHAMMAD or AHMAD before the advent of the Holy (God fearing) Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). In Islam religion, Jesus (peace be upon him) is believed as one of the greatest prophets and one of the greatest messengers of God to mankind. It is not believed in Islam that Jesus is God or son of God. In the Quran, there is a complete chapter (called Surah) titled ‘Maryam’ (Mary) that confirms Maryam virgin birth. The Quran states the following on the birth of Jesus (peace be upon him): (Remember) when the angels said, â€Å"O Mary, God gives you good news of a word from Him (God), whose name is the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, revered in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near (to God). He will speak to the people from his cradle and as a man, and he is of the righteous.† She said, â€Å"My Lord, how can I have a child when no mortal has touched me?† He said, â€Å"So (it will be). God creates what He wills. If He decrees a thing, He says to it only, ‘Be!’ and it is.† (Quran, 3:45-47) Jesus was born as miracle by the word and command of God. This command is, as said in Quran, the same command that had brought Adam into being with neither a father nor a mother. God has said in Quran: The case of Jesus with God is like the case of Adam. He created him from dust, and then He said to him, â€Å"Be!† and he came into being. (Quran, 3/59) During the prophetic mission of Jesus (peace be upon him), Jesus performed many miracles. God tells us that Jesus said: â€Å"I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I make for you the shape of a bird out of clay, I breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by God’s permission. I heal the blind from birth and the leper. And I bring the dead to life by God’s permission. And I tell you what you eat and what you store in your houses†¦.† (Quran, 3/49) Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified. They believe that the enemies of Jesus (peace upon him) plotted and planned to crucify Jesus. However, God miraculously saved Jesus and raised him up to Him (to God). God, the all powerful and the all capable, put the likeness of Jesus (peace upon him) over another man. The enemies of Jesus (peace upon him) thought that the this other man is Jesus and they took him and crucified him. God has said: †¦They said, â€Å"We killed the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God.† They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but the likeness of him was put on another man (and they killed that man)†¦ (Quran, 4/157) Quran says (meaning translation): â€Å"Jesus said I am indeed a servant of ALLAH (God). He (God) has given me Revelation and made me prophet and He (God) has made me blessed wheresoever I be and has enjoined on me Prayer and Zakat (Charity) as long as I live. He (God) made me kind to my mother (Mary). Peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day I shall be that I shall be raised up to life again†¦ It is not befitting to the majesty of Allah (God) that he should beget a son. Glory be to him (God) when he determines a matter, He (God) only says to it â€Å"Be† and it is. Verily ALLAH (God) is my Lord and your Lord: Him therefore serve ye: this is a Way that is straight† (Quran 19/30-36). Accordingly, in Islam religion, Jesus (peace upon him) is neither God nor son of God. He is human and God prophet. It is worthwhile to emphasize that both Jesus (peace upon him) and Mohamed, or may be spelled Muhammad (peace upon him), came to mankind to call for worshiping only and the only one God. Neither of them nor Moses came to change the basic doctrine of the belief in one and only God. this doctrine that was brought by earlier prophets from including Noah, Abraham, Isac, Jacob, David, Solomon, and others. Both Jesus (peace upon him) and Mohamed received the revelation from God to confirm and renew the doctrine of worshiping one (and only one) God.

Night World : Soulmate Chapter 8

Hannah sat up in bed, gasping. For several moments she didn't know where she was. Through a gap in her curtains she could see the gray light of dawn-just like Hana's gray dawn-and she thought she still might be in the nightmare. But then, slowly, objects in the room became clear. Her bookshelves, crammed with books and crowned with one near-perfect trilobite fossil on a stand. Her dresser, its top piled with things that belonged in other places. Her posters of Velociraptor and T. Rex. I'm me. I remember me. She had never been so happy to be herself, or to be awake. But that dream she'd just had-that had happened to her. A long time ago, sure, but nothing like so long ago as, say, when the T. Rex had been alive. Not to mention the trilobite. A few thousand years was yesterday to Mother Earth. And it was all real, she knew that now. She accepted it. She had fallen asleep and her subconscious had pulled back the veil of the past and allowed her to see more of Hana's story. Thierry, she thought. The people of Hana's clan tortured him. God knows for how long-I'm just glad I didn't have to watch more. But it puts sort of a different twist on things, doesn't it? She still didn't know how the story ended. She wasn't sure she wanted to know. But it was hard to blame him for whatever had happened afterward. An awful feeling was settling in Hannah's stomach. All those things I said to him-terrible things, she thought. Why did I say all that? I was so angry-I lost control completely. I hated him and all I cared about was hurting him. I really thought he must be evil, pure evil. I told him to go away forever. How could I have done that? He's my soulmate. There was a strange emptiness inside her, as if she'd been hollowed out like a tree struck by lightning. Inside the emptiness, a voice like a cool dark wind whispered, But you told Paul that he kept killing you over and over. Is that justifiable? He's a vampire, a predator, and that makes him evil by nature. Maybe he can't help being what he is, but there's no reason for you to be destroyed again because of it. Are you going to let him kill you in this life, too? She was torn between pity for him and the deep instinct that he was dangerous. The cool wind voice seemed to be the voice of reason. Go ahead and feel sorry for him, it said. Just keep him far away from you. She felt better having come to a decision, even if it was a decision that left her heart numb. She glanced around the room, focused on the clock by her bedside, and blinked. Oh, my God-school. It was quarter to seven and it was a Friday. Sacaja-wea High seemed light-years away, like someplace she'd visited in a past life. But it's not. It's your life, now, the only one that counts. You have to forget all that other stuff about reincarnation and vampires and the Night World. You have to forget about him. You sent him away and he's gone. So let's get on with living in the normal world. Just thinking this way made her feel braced and icy, as if she'd had a cold shower. She took a real shower, dressed in jeans and a denim shirt, and she had breakfast with her mother, who cast her several thoughtful glances but didn't ask any questions until they were almost finished. Then she said, â€Å"Did everything go all right at Dr. Winfield's yesterday evening?† Had it only been yesterday evening? It seemed like a week ago. Hannah chewed a bite of cornflakes and finally said, â€Å"Uh, why?† â€Å"Because he called while you were in the shower. He seemed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Her mother stopped and searched for a word. â€Å"Anxious. Worse than worried but not as bad as hysterical.† Hannah looked at her mother's face, which was narrow, intelligent, and tanned by the Montana sun. Her eyes were more blue than Hannah's gray, but they were direct and discerning. She wanted to tell her mother the whole story- but when she had time to do it, and after she'd had . time to think it out. There was no urgency. It was all behind her now, and it wasn't as if she needed advice. â€Å"Paul's anxious a lot,† she said judiciously, sticking to the clean edge of truth. â€Å"I think that's why he became a psychologist. He tried a sort of hypnosis thing on me yesterday and it didn't exactly work out.† â€Å"Hypnosis?† Her mother's eyebrows lifted. â€Å"Hannah, I don't know if you should be getting into that-â€Å" â€Å"Don't worry; I'm not. It's over. We're not going to try it again.† â€Å"I see. Well, he said for you to call him to set up another appointment. I think he wants to see you soon.† She reached over suddenly and took Hannah's hand. â€Å"Honey, are you feeling any better? Are you still having bad dreams?† Hannah looked away. â€Å"Actually-I sort of had one last night. But I think I understand them better now. They don't scare me as much.† She squeezed her mother's hand. â€Å"Don't worry, I'm going to be fine.† â€Å"All right, but-† Before her mother could finish the sentence a horn honked outside. â€Å"That's Chess. I'd better run.† Hannah gulped down the dregs of her orange juice and dashed into her bedroom to grab her backpack. She hesitated a split second by the wastebasket, then shook her head. No. There was no reason to take the black rose ring with her. It was his, and she didn't want to be reminded of him. She slung the backpack over her shoulder, yelled goodbye to her mother, and hurried outside. Chess's car was parked in the driveway. As Hannah started toward it she had an odd impression. She seemed to see a figure standing behind the car-a tall figure, face turned toward her. But her eyes were dazzled by the sun and at that instant she involuntarily blinked. When she could see again, there was nothing in that spot except a little swirl of dust. â€Å"You're late,† Chess said when Hannah got in the car. Chess, whose real name was Catherine Clovis, was petite and pretty, with dark hair cut in a cap to frame her face. But just now her slanted green cat eyes and Mona Lisa smile reminded Hannah too much of Ket. It was disconcerting; she had to glance down to make sure Chess wasn't wearing a deerskin outfit. â€Å"You okay?† Now Chess was looking at her with concern. â€Å"Yeah.† Hannah sank back against the upholstery, blinking. â€Å"I think I need to get my eyes checked, though.† She glanced at the spot where the phantom figure had been-nothing. And Chess was just Chess: smart, savvy, and faintly exotic, like an orchid blooming in the badlands. â€Å"Well, you can do it when we go shopping this weekend,† Chess said. She slanted Hannah a glance. â€Å"We must go shopping. Next week's your birthday and I need something new to wear.† Hannah grinned in spite of herself. â€Å"Maybe a new necklace,† she muttered. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Nothing.† I wonder what happened to Ket, she thought. Even if Hana died young, at least Ket must have grown up. I wonder if she married Ran, the guy who wanted to â€Å"mate† her? â€Å"Are you sure you're okay?† Chess said. â€Å"Yeah. Sorry; I'm a little brain-dead. I didn't sleep well last night.† Her plan for Chess was exactly the same as for her mother. Tell her everything-in a little while. When she was less upset about it. Chess was putting an arm around her, steering skillfully with the other. â€Å"Hey, we've got to get you in shape, kid. I mean, first it's your birthday, then graduation. Isn't that psychologist doing anything to help?† Hannah muttered, â€Å"Maybe too much.† That night, she was restless again. The school day had passed uneventfully. Hannah and her mother had had dinner peacefully. But after her mother went out to a meeting with some local rockhounds, Hannah found herself wandering around the house, too wound up to read or watch TV, too distracted to go anywhere. Maybe I need some air, she thought-and then she caught herself and gave a self-mocking grin. Sure. Air. When what you're really thinking is that he just might be out there. Admit it. She admitted it. Not that she thought Thierry was very likely to be hanging around her backyard, considering what she'd said to him. And why should you want to talk to him? she demanded of herself. He may not be completely and totally and pointlessly evil, but he's still no boy scout. But she couldn't shake a vague feeling of wanting to go outside. At last she went out on the porch, telling herself that she'd spend five minutes here and then go back inside. It was another beautiful night, but Hannah couldn't enjoy it. Everything reminded her too much of him. She could feel herself softening toward him, weakening. He had looked so stricken, so devastated, when she told him to go away†¦. â€Å"Am I interrupting?† Hannah started. She wheeled toward the voice. Standing on the other side of the porch was a tall girl. She looked a year or so older than Hannah, and she had long hair, very long hair, so black that it seemed to reflect moonlight like a raven's wing. She was extraordinarily beautiful-and Hannah recognized her. She's the one from my vision. That flash of a girl telling me that Thierry was cunning. She's the one who warned me about him. And she's the figure I saw behind Chess's car this morning. She must have been watching me then. â€Å"I'm sorry if I scared you,† the girl said now, smiling. â€Å"You looked so far away, and I didn't mean to startle you. But I'd really like to talk to you if you have a few minutes.† â€Å"I†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Hannah felt strangely tongue-tied. Something about the girl made her uncomfortable, in a way that went beyond the dreamlike weirdness of recognizing somebody she'd never seen in her present life. But she's your friend, she told herself. She's helped you in the past; she probably wants to help you again now. You should be grateful to her. â€Å"Sure,† Hannah said. â€Å"We can talk.† She added somewhat awkwardly, â€Å"I remember you.† â€Å"Wonderful. Do you really? That makes everything so much easier.† Hannah nodded. And told herself again that this girl was her friend, and nobody to be hostile to or wary of. â€Å"Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The girl glanced around the porch, where there was dearly no place to sit. â€Å"Ah†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Hannah was embarrassed, as if the girl had asked, â€Å"Do you entertain all your visitors outside?† She turned around and opened the back door. â€Å"Come on in. We can sit down.† â€Å"Thank you,† the girl said and smiled. In the bright fluorescent lights of the kitchen, she was even more beautiful. Hauntingly beautiful. Exquisite features, skin like silk. Lips that made Hannah think of adjectives like full and ripe. And eyes that were like nothing Hannah had ever seen before. They were large, almond-shaped, heavy-lashed, and luminous. But it wasn't just that. Every time Hannah looked, they seemed to be a different color. They changed from honey to mahogany to jungle-leaf green to larkspur purple to misty blue. It was amazing. â€Å"If you remember me, then you must know what I'm here about,† the girl said. She rested an elbow on the kitchen table and propped her chin on her fist. Hannah said one word. â€Å"Thierry.† â€Å"Yes, From the way you say that, maybe you don't need my advice after all.† The girl had an extraordinary voice as well; low and pleasant, with a faint husky throb in it. Hannah lifted her shoulders. â€Å"Well, there's still a lot I don't know about him-but I don't need anybody to tell me that he's dangerous. And I've already told him to go away.† â€Å"Have you really? How remarkably brave of you.† Hannah blinked. She hadn't thought of it as being so brave. â€Å"I mean, you do realize how powerful he is? He's a Lord of the Night World, the head of all the made vampires. He could†-the girl snapped her fingers- â€Å"call out a hundred little vampires and werewolves. Not to mention his connection with the witches in Las Vegas.† â€Å"What are you trying to say? That I shouldn't have told him to go away? I don't care how many monsters he can call out,† Hannah said sharply. â€Å"No. Of course you don't. Like I said, you're brave.† The girl regarded her with eyes the deep purple of bittersweet nightshade. â€Å"I just want you to realize what he's capable of. He could have this whole county wiped out. He can be very cruel and very childish-if he doesn't get what he wants he'll simply go into a rage.† â€Å"And does he do that a lot-go into rages?† â€Å"All the time, unfortunately.† I don't believe you. The thought came to Hannah suddenly. She didn't know where it came from, but she couldn't ignore it. There was something about this girl that bothered her, something that felt like a greasy stone held between the fingers. That felt like a lie. â€Å"Who are you?† she said directly. When the girl's eyes-now burnt sienna-lifted to hers this time, she held them. â€Å"I mean, why are you so interested in me? Why are you even here, in Montana, where I am? Is it just a coincidence?† â€Å"Of course not. I came because I knew that he was about to find you again. I'm interested in you* because-well, I've known Thierry since his childhood, before he became a vampire, and I feel a certain obligation to stop him.† She smiled, meeting Hannah's steady gaze easily. â€Å"And my name †¦ is Maya.† She said the last words slowly, and she seemed to be watching Hannah for a reaction. But the name didn't mean anything to Hannah. And Hannah simply couldn't figure out whether this girl called Maya was lying or not. â€Å"I know you've warned me about Thierry before,† she said, trying to gather her thoughts. â€Å"But I don't remember anything about it except you telling me. I don't even know what you are-I mean, are you somebody who's been reincarnated like me? Or are you†¦ ?† She left the question open-ended. As a matter of fact, she knew Maya wasn't human; no human was so eerily beautiful or supernaturally graceful. If Maya claimed she was, Hannah would know for sure it was a deception. â€Å"I'm a vampire,† Maya said calmly and without hesitation. â€Å"I lived with Thierry's tribe in the days when you lived with the Three Rivers clan. In fact, I'm the one who actually made him into a vampire. I shouldn't have done it; I should have realized he was one of those people who couldn't handle it. But I didn't know he'd go crazy and become†¦ what he is.† She looked off into the distance. â€Å"I suppose that's why I feel responsible for him,† she finished softly. Then she looked back at Hannah. â€Å"Any other questions?† â€Å"Hundreds,† Hannah said. â€Å"About the Night World, and about what's happened to me in past lives-â€Å" â€Å"And I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to answer most of them. There are rules against talking about the Night World-and anyway, it's safer for you not to know. As for your past lives, well, you don't really want to know what he's done to you each time, do you? It's too gruesome.† She leaned forward, looking at Hannah earnestly. â€Å"What you should do now is put the past behind you and forget about all this. Try to have a happy future.† It was exactly what Hannah had decided to do earlier. So why did she feel like bristling now? She weighed different responses and finally said, â€Å"If he wants to kill me so much, why didn't he just do it last night? Instead of talking to me.† â€Å"Oh, my dear child.† The tone was slightly patronizing, but seemed genuinely pitying. â€Å"He wants you to love him first, and then he kills you. I know, it's sick, it's twisted, but it's the way he is. He seems to think it has to be that way, since it was that way the first time. He's obsessed.† Hannah was silent. Nothing inside her stood up to say that this was a lie. And the idea that Thierry was obsessed certainly rang true. At last she said slowly, â€Å"Thank you for coming to warn me. I do appreciate it.† â€Å"No, you don't,† Maya said. â€Å"I wouldn't either if someone came to tell me things I didn't want to hear. But maybe someday you will thank me.† She stood. â€Å"I hope we won't have to meet again.† Hannah walked her to the back door and let her out. On the porch, Maya turned. â€Å"He really is insane, you know!† she said. â€Å"You'll probably begin to have, doubts again. But he's obsessive and unstable, just like any stalker; and he's really capable of anything. Don't be fooled.† â€Å"I don't think I'm ever going to see him again,† Hannah said, unreasonably annoyed. â€Å"So it's going to be kind of hard to fool me.† Maya smiled, nodded, then did the disappearing act. Just as Thierry had, she turned and simply melted into the night. Hannah stared out into the darkness for a minute or so. Then she went back into the kitchen and called Paul Winfield's number. She got his answering machine. â€Å"Hi, this is Hannah, and I got your message about making another appointment. I was wondering if we could maybe do it tomorrow-or anyway some time over the weekend. And†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She hesitated, wondering if it was something she should say in person, then shrugged. Might as well give him time to prepare. â€Å"And I'd like to do another regression. There are some things I want to figure out.† She felt better after she hung up. One way or another, she would get at the truth. She headed into her bedroom with a faint, grim smile. And stopped dead on the threshold. Thierry was sitting on her bed. For a moment Hannah stood frozen. Then she said sharply, â€Å"What are you doing here?† At the same time, she glanced around the room to see how he had gotten in. The windows were shut and only opened from inside. He must have walked in while I was in the kitchen talking with Maya. â€Å"I had to see you,† Thierry said. He looked- strange. His dark eyes seemed hot somehow, as if he were burning inside. His face was tense and grim. â€Å"I told you to keep away from me.† Hannah kept fear out of her voice-but she was scared. There was a sort of electricity in the air, but it wasn't a good electricity. It was purely dangerous. â€Å"I know you did, and I tried. But I can't stay away, Hannah. I just can't. It makes me †¦ crazy.† And with that, he stood up. Hannah's heart seemed to jump into her throat and stay there, pounding hard. She fought to keep her face calm. He's fast, a little voice in her head seemed to say, and with relief she recognized the dark wind voice, the cool voice of reason. There's no point in running from him, because he can catch you in a second. â€Å"You have to understand,† Thierry was saying. â€Å"Please try to understand. I need you. We were meant to be together. Without you, I'm nothing.† He took a step toward her. His eyes were black and fathomless, and Hannah could almost feel their heat. Obsessed, yes, she thought. Maya was right. He may jut on a good front, but underneath he's just plain crazy. like any stalker. â€Å"Say you understand,† Thierry said. He reached a pleading hand toward her. â€Å"I understand,† Hannah said grimly. â€Å"And I still want you to go away.† â€Å"I can't. I have to make sure we'll be together, the way we were meant to be. And there's only one way to do that.† There was something different about his mouth, Two delicate fangs were protruding, indenting .his lower lip. Hannah felt a cold fist dose over her heart. â€Å"You have to join the Night World, Hannah. You have to become like me. I promise you, once it's over, you'll be happy.† â€Å"Happy?† A wave of sickening revulsion swept over Hannah. â€Å"As a monster like you? I was happy before you ever showed up. I'd be happy if you'd just keep out of my life forever. I-â€Å" Stop talking! The cool wind voice was screaming at her, but Hannah was too overwrought to listen. â€Å"You're disgusting. I hate you. And nothing can j ever make me love you ag-â€Å" She didn't get to finish. In one swift movement, he was in front of her. And then he grabbed her.