Monday, September 30, 2019

Global Warming Debate Essay

Many  people think that our concern about carbon dioxide and global warming is a modern preoccupation driven by the attention of high-profile personalities, politicians and green activists. But Al Gore did not discover global warming. Nor did Tim Flannery, Peter Garrett, Greenpeace or Malcolm Turnbull. Scientific concern about global warming is not new. A single scientific paper, published more than three decades ago, can place the discussions about climate change into historical perspective. Tomorrow it will be 35 years since the leading science journal Nature published a review paper entitled â€Å"Man-made carbon dioxide and the ‘greenhouse’ effect†, by the eminent atmospheric scientist J. S. Sawyer, director of research at the United Kingdom Meteorological Office. In four pages, Sawyer summarised what was known about the role of carbon dioxide in enhancing the natural greenhouse effect leading to warming at the earth’s surface, and made a remarkable 28-year prediction of the warming expected to the end of the 20th century. His prediction can now be compared with what has been observed. We can also compare his review of the science in the early 1970s with that in the latest (2007) assessment from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. After summarising recent calculations of the likely impact of increasing carbon dioxide concentrations on global surface temperature, Sawyer concluded that the â€Å"increase of 25 per cent in carbon dioxide expected by the end of the century therefore corresponds to an increase of 0. degrees in world temperature – an amount somewhat greater than the climatic variations of recent centuries†. Examination of the global surface temperature over the latter part of the 20th century shows that in fact the temperature rose about 0. 5 degrees between the early 1970s and 2000. Considering that global temperatures had, if anything, been falling in the decades leading up to the early 1970s, Sawyer’s accurate prediction of the reversal of this trend, and of the magnitude of the subsequent warming, is perhaps the most remarkable long-range forecast ever made. Sawyer’s succinct summary of the climate change science understood at that time can be compared with the four volumes of the IPCC Fourth Assessment on Climate Change being released through 2007. The IPCC assessment involves more than 400 authors, about 2500 reviewers, and runs to several thousand pages with many thousands of references. Such a comparison shows that much has been done to address the concerns and uncertainties expressed by Sawyer at the time. He was concerned that the rudimentary understanding of cloud processes and other climate system feedback resulted in uncertainties regarding predictions of warming. At the time, climate models were in their infancy, but Sawyer saw them as the best way to examine this feedback and reduce the uncertainties in climate change predictions. Since then, models have improved substantially and now include many more processes in more detail than was possible in the early 1970s, and the various climate processes that may enhance or offset the effects of carbon dioxide have been studied in detail. Despite these advances, our best estimate of the warming to be expected from a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has changed little from Sawyer’s time. Our best estimate of the temperature increase that would result from a 25 per cent increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations is still around 0. 6 degrees. The scientific consensus of Sawyer’s time was very similar to the scientific consensus in 2007. Of course, better climate models and improved data and analyses have allowed the IPCC to discuss and even project possible changes in many other meteorological variables than could Sawyer, including extreme weather of various kinds as well as sea-level. The IPCC now also looks in detail at regional aspects of climate change – a subject not even considered by Sawyer. Perhaps the greatest difference, however, is the emphasis on the impacts of climate change. While the IPCC assessment devotes a volume to this subject, Sawyer could only conclude, after conceding that climate variations of only a fraction of a degree can have â€Å"considerable economic importance† that â€Å"although there may be no immediate cause for alarm about the consequences of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, there is certainly need for further study†. Perusal of the IPCC volume devoted to the impacts of climate change on natural and human systems leaves one feeling far less sanguine than Sawyer was 35 years ago. The anniversary of Sawyer’s paper reminds us that the understanding of the effects of carbon dioxide on the global climate was sufficiently advanced 35 years ago to allow an accurate 28-year prediction of warming. Despite claims to the contrary, our understanding of the greenhouse effect and global warming is not reliant on modern climate models and nor is it a modern preoccupation. Nor is it correct to claim that in the 1970s climate scientists were predicting global cooling – Sawyer’s paper accurately predicted exactly the opposite, based on the best science available. Other scientific papers around that time also drew attention to the warming expected from the anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gas emissions.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Death of a Salesman Essay

How effective is the ending? Who do we sympathise with? ‘Death of a Salesman’ is a play based on the examination of American life and the effects of the American Dream. Arthur Miller wrote it in 1948, and shows how life was when living a life based on the American Dream. Willy, a failed salesman spent his life following the American Dream, effecting all of those around him and leading him to suicide. The ending of the play greatly effects the feeling and sympathy given for all of the characters. It is a very effective way of ending the play, as the last  scenes seem to link very well to show Willy’s funeral. It allows the characters true feelings to be shown, and the full extent of the American dream is revealed. The ending of the play shows the true feelings and actions of the characters, in particular Happy. Happy shows his true feelings towards his father and his life; throughout the play this has not been very well shown and Happy has been left a mysterious character. That is until the Requiem, at this point Happy shows his belief in his father and how much he truly looked up to him, â€Å"He had no right to do that. There was no necessity for it. We would’ve helped him. † Of the two brothers Happy still believes in the American dream, and has fallen for its poor existence. He still supports it after seeing what has happened to his father and the life he has lived. This is shown at the very end of the play, † I’m not licked that easily. I’m staying right in this city, and I’m gonna beat this racket! † I think Happy believes that he owes it to his father to follow in his footsteps, so that he has at least one successful son. Happy spent his life trying to prove himself to his father and mother, as no attention was paid to him,†Happy: I’m gonna get married, Mom. I wanted to tell you. Linda: Go to sleep, dear. Happy (going): I just wanted to tell you. † At the beginning of the play Happy tends to fight for the attention of his parents to over come Biff’s success. He is always trying to prove himself and obviously cares for his father. Towards the beginning of the play when Linda and Biff begin to worry about Willy’s mental state Happy always seems to be the one to stand up for him and care, â€Å"He’s going to get his licence taken away if he keeps that up. I’m getting nervous about him, y’know, Biff? â€Å". As the play progress Happy grows as a person. Although it is not very visible Happy does try to keep the family together. As he sees himself as successful in Willy’s eyes he tries to help Biff become successful by setting up a business together, â€Å"Wait! We form two basketball teams, see? Two water-polo teams. We play each other. It’s million dollars’ worth of publicity. Two brothers, see? ‘The Loman Brothers’. Baby, we could sell sporting goods! † This all shows that Willy was wrong about his sons, Happy is the son with the courage and strength to be part of the American dream. He is the son that will follow on from Willy and either be a success or a failure. Within the ending of the play Biff’s true character is also shown. During the play he has a moment of self-realisation, showing him who he really is and how he is living a life of lies. The ending develops this and shows him as who he really is. Just before Willy’s death Biff confronts Willy about everything in his life. Biff tries to explain to Willy about how he is living a lie leading to an argument and a loving moment between the two. This shows how the American Dream truly effect those around Willy and brings the play to a good ending. It shows that although the two men had a moment of forgiveness and happiness together it was still not good enough for Willy. As Biff still had no success and did not wish for it Willy still felt a failure. Willy expected Biff to succeed in many ways, from the beginning of the play this is visible. As a child Biff was popular in school and was succeeding in sport although his school grades were dropping. His popularity is visible within the beginning of the play as Willy looks back on his life, â€Å"Biff [goes through the wall-line of kitchen to doorway at the back and calls down]: Fellas! Everybody sweep out the furnace room! I’ll be right down! Voices: All right! Okay, Biff. Biff: George and Sam and Frank, come out back! We’re hangin’ up the wash! Come on, Hap, on the double! † Willy seemed to care more about Biff’s popularity and friends rather than his success in school. This is the influence of the American Dream upon Willy’s life and family. As Biff grows older this still seems to be the case, although Willy also seems to expect Biff to be earning a lot of money. This is Willy’s idea of success; it is more materialistic rather than personal goals. During the end of the play Biff makes a number of short speeches full of his thoughts and feelings. I think this is very effective for the end of the play as it shows emotion in a different way. An example of one of the speeches is, â€Å"Pop, get this now, will you? Every time I’ve left it’s been a fight that sent me out of here. Today I realised some thing about myself and I tried to explain it to you and I – I think I’m just not smart enough to make any sense out of it for you. To hell with those whose fault it is or anything like that. † This shows how Biff feels about himself and his father; it is the beginning of the argument and shows great feeling. The very end of the play is shown as Willy’s funeral, it is very small and consists of only 5 or 6 people. This is very much different to what Willy expected, he hoped for a large funeral with every one he had ever known or met. These expectations were all due to the falsity of the American Dream and the funeral shows this in many ways. It is a very effective ending as  the funeral puts life in prospective for the others and shows their true character. It shows that Biff really cared for his father, as he paid little notice to the amount of people there, he did not need to be impressed with popularity. Where as Happy was concerned about the funeral and still believed in his fathers dream, â€Å"I’m gonna show you and everybody else that Willy Loman did not die in vain. He had a good dream. It’s the only dream you can have – to come out number – one-man. † There are three other main characters within the play that show the contrasts and other parts of the harsh reality of the American dream. Howard is Willy’s boss; he cares for money and not people and is also very fascinated with technology. He shows the growing business world and the effects of the American Dream as a truly successful man. His fascination with technology tends to over power his care for people. For example Howard has purchased a Dictaphone and is showing it to Willy whilst he is trying to talk, â€Å"Willy: It certainly is a – Howard: Sh, for God’s sake! His Son: ‘It’s nine o’clock, Bulova watch time. So I have to go to sleep. ‘

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Causes and effects of the Credit Crunch

Causes and effects of the Credit Crunch The words credit crunch have been all over the financial headlines in the UK, including the effects that has hit the financial markets both in the UK and in other parts of the world have been reflected in a number of ways, affecting both financial institutions(banks) and consumers. Several authors and regulators have showed their different views about the causes and effect of credit crunch. Many economists studying the credit crunch explain it as a cyclical fall in credit demand. What is credit crunch? Bernanke and Lown (1991) define a credit crunch as a decline in the supply of credit that is abnormally large for a given stage of the business cycle. Credit normally contracts during a recession, but an unusually large contraction could be seen as a credit crunch. From Investopedia; credit crunches are usually considered to be an extension of recessions, also making it impossible for companies to borrow because lenders are scared of bankruptcies or defaults, which results in higher r ates. The consequence is a prolonged recession (or slower recovery), which occurs as a result of the shrinking credit supply. The credit crunch is also known as the credit crisis and is represented by a reduction in the general availability of loans which leads to sudden tightening of the conditions required to obtain a loan/credit from banks. Also, a broader definition of a credit crunch has been summarized by the Council of Economic Advisers (1992):A credit crunch occurs when the supply of credit is restricted below the range usually identified with prevailing market interest rates and the profitability of investment projects. Amongst the things affected in the UK as a result of the credit crunch are: Liquidity: The atypical flow of money looking for a home went into the West’s economies. Trade surpluses were recycled in the early part of the decade. This stimulated the â€Å"search for production of labor† and, in turn, the uncertainty in price of risk as investors imagined the high returns they were offered were safer than they proved. E.g. In September 2007, during the financial crisis of 2007-2010, the Bank had borrowed from the Bank of England a sum of about  £13 billion, a liquidity support facility, this showed that the total amount was a loss of deposits. which followed problems in the credit markets caused by the US sub- prime mortgage financial crisis. And it was of great shock that could be avoided to the bringing down of Northern Rock was a risk. However, the result of two unsuccessful offers to take over the bank, not being able to achieve the repayment of taxpayers’ money. This made the Government immediately take possession, away from its shareholders. Also reported cases showed some shareholders had their life savings in the shares, which were taken from them. Sub-prime lending: This covers different types of credit, including mortgages, auto loans, and credit cards. Sub-prime loans allows the opportunity for borro wers with a less-than-ideal credit record (considered as people with bad credit history)to be home owner. Some of theses lenders may use the credit in purchasing homes,sometimes in financing other types of spendings e.g. paying for living expenses, remodelling a home, or even paying down on a high-interest credit card or purchasing a car. Sub-prime lending (mortgages to be precise)provides a method of â€Å"credit repair†. Also with the interest rates low and liquidity in plentiful supply, financial institutions and businesses did not bother with adequate checks before, lending billions, who they realise could not afford repayments when some of this types of credits came with high interest rates, increased fees and costs which was a major cause for credit crunch.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Bariers to the enterpreneurship in Russia Coursework - 1

Bariers to the enterpreneurship in Russia - Coursework Example Petersburg School of Management’s â€Å"Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Russia 2011† and The World Bank’s â€Å"Doing Business: Profile of the Russian Federation†. By way of analyzing the key contributions of these two works as well as drawing inference on the data therein presented, the author will seek to relate to the reader some of the salient challenges that currently face those interesting in performing business within the Russian Federation. One of the primary concerns that MNCs consider when seeking out a prospective nation to develop their company within is the overall stability of the regime. As such, the Russian Federation itself has presented the West with a fairly stable and nominally democratic regime since the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, even though the regime has experienced smooth transitions of power and regularly scheduled elections, the paperwork associated with many of the forms of business development and start up continue to represent Soviet-era difficulties. Rather than having a clear and well defined process in which would-be investors can rapidly navigate the maze of requirements that are extant, the process has devolved into something of a nightmare in which the Russian Federation languishes near the bottom of the list of nations with respect to receiving a building permit, receiving electrical service to ones building, obtaining credit, and paying taxes. With respect to obtaining a building permit, the first step of any firm that has committed itself to expanding within the Russian Federation or elsewhere, the potential investor is greeted by a situation that requires nearly a year to complete. According to The World Bank’s â€Å"Doing Business: Profile of the Russian Federation†, the Russian Federation ranks 178th out of the 185 countries measured with regards to total ease of receiving a building permit. This process is further complicated by the fact that the permit process itself is exorbitantly high and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How Poverty Represents an Unjust Distribution of Wealth Essay

How Poverty Represents an Unjust Distribution of Wealth - Essay Example Shostak, 1965, as cited in Misturelli & Heffernan (2008) perceives poverty as being â€Å"a personal experience that only the poor can understand† (p.666). At the same time, poverty may be referred to as an individual’s incapability to satisfy basic needs in acquiring food, clothing, shelter, and nutritional health. In most developed countries, relative poverty is where annual revenue plus the profit made is below the median, thus creating a point of drawing a poverty line. It has been asserted globally that poverty results from wealth distribution issues, which clearly defines the line between the poor and the rich. Poverty has been talked of for quite a long time globally, but the issues surrounding the linkages between the population earning high wages and the population earning low wages have not been addressed officially. This has made the gap between the rich and the poor widen gradually in the global context. Levels of poverty have been estimated and announced ov er the years, but the credibility of such figures has been put to question by many concerned authorities. It has been argued by many policy makers that the actual rates of poverty in the world precede the official figures that are indicated by most reports (Pinto, 2011, p.43). However, the UNU Report of 2006 with regard to data of 2000 was the first report that covered all nations worldwide, while exploring household wealth components such as infrastructure, land and assets that were financial. According to the report, of the total population in the world, 98% are ranked as being poor, whereas only 2% are rated as rich (UNU-WIDER, 2006, para.1). The rich population own about half of the world’s wealth and the other half is shared by the large, poor population. These figures have raised controversies over the relationship that exists between poverty and wealth distribution globally. People have had different views and contribution towards the analysis of issues that poverty re volves around, and there has been a notion that poverty represents an unjust distribution of wealth. How true is this assertion? Ethics and Justice related to Wealth Distribution and Inheritance Wealth is characterized by the ownership of assets and resources, having the potential of generating income (Heilbroner, 1987, p. 880). The distribution of wealth raises the issue of the rich and the poor. The constructs of poverty have been from many dimensions given that its perception from the view points of the rich and the poor totally have a stark contrast. For instance, many people perceive poverty from the standpoint of ill-being, for they associate poverty with the scenario of a deprivation in social, physical and material needs. In this case, poverty is purely physicality as well as a state of mind. From this ethical point of view, the aspect of well-being and ill-being as brought out psychologically corresponds to a wide spectrum of experiences attached to poverty. Similarly, the grouping of the poor as being homogenous is faced out by the fact that the experiences of poverty are often personal. In critical cases, the poor end up lacking basic needs to an extent death, due to malnutrition (Fitzgerald & Constantine, 2011, p.34). Given that extremely small shares of the world’s wealth are received by the majority of the world’s population, it is inevitable that the people who are ranked in the category of the poor will experience poverty. Logically, when a pawpaw is divided among 10 children, the shares acquired by each of them will be smaller compared to the shares that will be received when the pawpaw is divided among 3 children. In this scenario, the three children will have their shares and perhaps keep some for consumption some other time. For the ten

Depression and Anxiety in PEG Feeding Dissertation - 1

Depression and Anxiety in PEG Feeding - Dissertation Example Expand a few lines†¦ TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 LIST OF FIGURES Abstract This dissertation is about the social and psychological impact, including anxiety and depressed moods, on people who are artificially fed via a tube based on percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG). The analysis is based on a framework that highlights two sides of sickness, â€Å"disease† underlying the placement of a feeding tube (biological malfunctions recorded as particular disease categories, e.g., cancer, neurological disorders, cardiac diseases, palsy) and the response to this by patients and their carers. This distinction between â€Å"disease† and â€Å"illness† provides a view of the social and psychological complexities involved. These are often overlooked when artificial feeding is adopted. The dissertation proceeds via a description of the literature search on PEG. The primary tools used in this search is the topical search (e.g., â€Å"socio-psychological imp acts of PEG feeding†) on the internet and the exploration of various databases, such as Cinahl, PubMed, Medline, Cochrane and Google Scholar. The literature used refers to reports of â€Å"new† (i.e. past decade) findings. In a very few cases only, when outlining â€Å"illness responses† to â€Å"disease† and the ensuing person-oriented framework, a few basic sources pre-dating 2000, are drawn upon. The accompanying review of relevant sources attempts to bring out the emphasis of â€Å"disease† and the omission of efforts to develop a framework or model and conceptual tools to grasp the social and psychological implications of artificial feeding due to disability. Such a model can, however, be of great value to nursing care and operating practice. Such a framework is available to us via a number of qualitative studies and a â€Å"narrative understanding of the illness experience†. The usefulness of this body of literature will be examined in the ensuing discussion. In the conclusion I will stress the value of a qualitative, person-oriented perspective (the â€Å"illness experience†) for a humanistic medical and nursing practice. Introduction This dissertation is based on a lengthy review of available literature on the social and psychological impact, including anxiety and depressed moods, on people who are artificially fed via a tube based on percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) This review allows me to examine the emotional costs involved in PEG tube feeding, especially with regard to experiences and the coping with the emotional (anxiety, depressed mood) and social costs of tube feeding before, during and after the placement of a PEG tube. This dissertation takes the patient’s point of view and reviews two groups of literature in depth: one of the two is person-and qualitatively-oriented and proposes a meaning-centred, qualitative and humanistic method/perspective. At the same time, one realizes tha t patients are found in a larger health care context where medical and health care professionals operate. Their and the perspective of medicine must be understood as well. Byron Good’s (2008) book on Medicine, Rationality and Experience provides a good introduction to their and the patient’s perspective. It is therefore meaningful to compare and contrast the views and perspectives of these professionals and the views that patients express, their way of coping with PEG tube feeding, their modes of reasoning, their various feeling-states (anxiety, depression) and the lives they live. I have chosen

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Media & Media Costs in Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Media & Media Costs in Russia - Essay Example Recently they have been known to show the kind of damage that can be caused by the vodka drink (Elder par. 1 ). For my target market, the television media would be more appropriate since it is still the most popular information source (TMFAR par. 3). The average cost of media has increased with the print media at a cost of 72.64 billion rubles. However, these have been raised by the introduction of internet services and social media in the country. It is because they have turned into remarkably significant fast and reliable communication tools with which information reaches a wide range of people within a short period. Nonetheless, owing to its accessibility the television still holds the first position while the internet comes third (Arapova par. 8). The means used in promotions and advertising are equally competitive with the television being the main advertising media used to reach the target market. Besides this, the sales promotions that are customarily used in Russia mainly include the internet. Most people in Russia are beginning to use the internet for different reasons (TMFAR par. 1-5). Arapova, Galina. Media freedom in the Russian regions? You must be joking†¦. Retrieved 21 March from Open democracy Russian

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sand mandala by tibetan buddhist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sand mandala by tibetan buddhist - Essay Example tive energy in the environment, the sand gathered from a mandala ceremony can be used in person or animals that are dying or stick a portion of the sand on the crown – top of the head (You Tube b). Ceremonies using different musical instruments to make a monotone sound and chanting are necessary as it enables the participants to experience peace of mind and deep concentration before and after the creation of sand mandala. The monotone sound also enables the monks and other participants to meditate in silence together (You Tube b). On the other hand, the process of pouring the sand into a creek is being done in order to allow the sand to flow with the water. This process symbolizes the spreading blessings, love and compassion to all human beings. Having read and observed how sand mandala is being performed is a very good experienced. Based on my personal observation and experiences about sand mandala, I have learned that the eight different parts of the center of the mandala symbolizes the eight noble paths of Tibetan Buddhism which includes: (1) right understanding; (2) right thought; (3) right speech; (4) right action; (5) right livelihood; (6) right effort; (7) right mindfulness; and (8) right concentration regardless of the art design of the mandala (Rahula, p. 45). These eight highlighted characteristics are actually the key factors that can bring us inner happiness, contentment in life, and freedom from anger. With the use of right speech, right action, and right livelihood, we can easily avoid actions that can cause harm to other people. For example: Being careful with the words we use when we speak to other people combined with choosing a morally acceptable occupation can lessen the chance that we can cause emotional pain to another person (Bodhi, p. 41). Therefore, there is a higher chance that we will receive good karma in our next life. Likewise, having the opportunity to personally experience how sand mandala is being conducted also made me able to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Apple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Apple - Essay Example These software and hardware systems have long provided success with regard to the company’s profitability. Moreover, while the company’s programmers, engineers, designers, and other personnel represent key resources, Apple Inc.’s capability to exploit these personnel’s abilities to develop hardware and software ecosystems encompasses the firm’s key ability. On an individual level, the resources represent only a temporary fraction of the firm’s competitive advantage. However, the combination of all the personnel’s abilities creates the firm’s sustainable competitive advantage. The establishment of Apple stores also provided the company with significant resources for physical presence since the stores act as sales locations, as well as means of advertisement. The stores allow the company to monitor and control brand image within the market. In order to maintain its current, strategic position, and enhance its success in the coming years, Apple Inc. should establish highly innovative software and hardware to augment its current resources. In addition, the company should also endeavor to employ personnel with Jobs’ passion for excellence (Lashinsky 58). Such personnel should not only form the company’s strategic planning department, but all departments in the entire company. Situational Analysis The company has a rather intriguing mission statement that not only provides focus to the company in terms of its business operations and processes. The company’s website provides a list of its products rather than a conventional mission statement. The company’s official mission statement states that it designs Macs, the best personal computers globally, alongside OS X, iLife, iWork, and other professional software. Apple directs the digital music revolution through its iTunes online store and iPods. However, popular beliefs hold that Apple Inc. got its conventional mission statement from on e of Steve Jobs’ quotes during the 1980s. Jobs’ quote can be summarized as follows: â€Å"Man is the developer of change in the world. As such, man should be above all systems and structures, and not secondary to them† (Lutchen 72). While various sources consider all these statements as the true mission statement, the company ends most of its press releases through a statement that bears a resemblance to traditional mission statements. The company ends its press releases with the statement, â€Å"Apple commits to the provision of the best personal computing experience to educators, students, customers, and creative professional across the globe through its innovative software, hardware, and Internet offerings.† The company’s mission statement provides a sense of direction, which is sufficiently flexible to the changing market situations. The company’s motivation to continue providing the best hardware, software and Internet offerings, means that it will develop technologies to adapt according to market situations. The industry has many successful competitors that pose a challenge to Apple Inc. However, the company’s strategy allows the firm to remain successful. Apple’s main competitive advantage lies in its broad array of products, especially its software, hardware, and Internet solutions (Cruikshank 81). The company’s immense resources such as personnel provide the backing for the company’s policies and strategies. This means that the company requires dedicated personnel to help it put

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Definition of Nursing Essay Example for Free

Definition of Nursing Essay The definition of nursing as put forward by the American Nurses Association describes a framework that incorporates caring and health promotion. It is far reaching and intentionally inclusive to all fellow human beings. It has a goal to advocate and help decrease any element of suffering. Nursing is a professional body which strongly advocates the advancement of professional knowledge. Scholarly resources are used to anchor our credibly with research findings. The use of objective data develops processes to improve outcomes of care. Attentions are focused on human action and reactions to changes in health. The body of nursing  acts as influential body to impact social justice. The definition opens the scope of similarities and difference in approach where nurses can provide optimal care for their patients. The metaparadigm concepts: person, health, environment and nursing are platforms in which the protection, health promotion and goal to alleviate suffering can be developed. Dr Jean Watson, a nurse theorist is best now for her work on human caring. She asserts caring as central focus for nursing. Caring serves as pivot to the metaparadigm concepts. She found nurses who were not able to practice caring became harsh and brittle (as cited in Watson, 2009, p.467). As I work with my patients I now realize how my plans of care are based on theses metapadigm concepts. I frequently ask my coworkers what worked best for the patient and why. Then I incorporate that in my daily plan of care. References Watson, J. (2009). Caring science and human caring theory:transforming personal and professional practices of nursing and healthcare. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration,31(4), 466-483.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Arguments For Compulsory Voting Politics Essay

The Arguments For Compulsory Voting Politics Essay Using the definition of democracy as tied to the concepts of liberty, equality, legitimacy, and active citizenship, this paper analyzes whether or not compulsory voting is consistent with the fundamental principles of democracy. The argument for liberty would suggest that compulsory voting is principally undemocratic because the freedom of choice must necessarily include the freedom not to choose (Lever 2009, 3). Because democracy highly values individual freedom, as de Tocqueville suggests, the act of forcing individuals to vote with corresponding sanction for non-compliance is clearly a violation of liberty. While the libertarian argument does not discount the benefits of compulsory voting per se, such as higher turnout rates (Lijphart, 1997, 10), these perceived advantages cannot justify government encroachment on individual liberties. A government that values democracy values individual freedom and cannot compel its citizens to vote when it is not in the latters best interest to do so. The concept of voluntariness and the emphasis on individual freedom is a staple of American democracy (de Tocqueville 2003). Because voting is a political right, it must be left to the individual to choose to exercise or n ot to exercise. It eventually boils down to providing that option for the individual to voluntarily choose, free from government interference. From the standpoint of civil liberties, the right not to vote is a form of speech that is protected under the First Amendment (Matsler 2003, 960). This has an accompanying right not to speak as well. Remaining silent when doing so is for your best interest is a statement by itself. Likewise, the choice not to vote is a form of political statement that is enshrined under the First Amendment and needs protection. Forcing an individual to vote would be likened to the state violating that individuals right to the First Amendment. Because the government is compelling the individual to be subject to an array of choices they face at the polling station, the government may be silencing the more informative political statement they intend to make by staying away from the polls and choosing not to participate (Evler 2009, 32). Compulsory voting then, not only violates a major civil liberty (the right to free speech and freedom of expression), the state also endangers its own representativeness because it fails to respect the rights of electors to choose not to participate. From the philosophical standpoint, the issue of whether or not voting should be compelled among individuals is contrary to the aims of liberty, which according to Mill (1999, 34) prioritizes self-interest first, and self-government, second. Political participation goes hand in hand with these principles. The first relates to the power of the individual in a democratic society to unseat bad leaders. The second relates to the power of the individual to use his or her capacities toward collective responsibilities and upholding the public good. These interests all point to the citizen as having a moral duty to go out and participate in the electoral exercise. Nonetheless, moral and ethical considerations also necessitate the view that respecting the decision to abstain from electoral exercise is in keeping with democratic rights. Drawing from Mill, individuals in a democratic society have the right to protect themselves from all things that demean, neglect, and intrude upon them. Because people cannot completely look after themselves, liberty entails the freedom of individuals to pursue self-protection in a democracy. They are also entitled to choose the extent of their political participation in forming, joining and leaving political parties, expressing their opinions on political issues, voicing out their sentiments against policies that are detrimental to their interest, and refusing to disclose their political identities or political beliefs. Democratic rights are founded upon the respect for peoples capacity to make reasoned judgment. This goes against forcing people to exercise their rights or maximize their opportunities and liberties as citizens. We cannot generalize that people who do not exercise the right to vote are as the accusation goes, lazy, apathetic, or disinterested; rather informed judgmen ts of people would make them conclude that voting will not lead to the pursuit of their self-interests. Intelligent people can argue that by not voting, they are pursuing their own self-interest by making a statement that none of the candidates deserve to be in elective position. Because persons are rational and work toward their individual self-interest, compulsory voting cannot be justified because if voting is in their self-interest, there would be no need to force them to go out and vote. They would decide that voting would be good for them and they would cast their ballot of their own volition. Compulsory voting does not necessarily uphold fairness or equality. The case for compulsory voting is also argued on the issue of fairness and equality. Like Platos disdain for apathetic citizens, proponents of compulsory voting stress that because all benefit from being citizens of a democratic society, every citizen has an obligation to participate in the electoral process. By equality, is meant that no one should become a free rider in a democracy free riders meaning those that benefit off society without participating in elections. Supporters of compulsory voting suggest that it is a moral and political duty to vote and that in the interest of fairness, all should vote because all experience the consequences of electoral outcomes. Other strong arguments for compulsory voting include the fact, that voting on election day is much easier than other positive obligations of citizens such as paying taxes, doing jury duty, or performing military service. However, this argument must paint two groups. On the one hand, there are voters who are selflessly giving their time and effort to cast their ballot and contribute to the public good while on the other hand, there are non-voters who are selfishly abandoning their political duties but directly benefit from societys benefits as the first group that cast their ballots. The point that Mill makes is that in a democracy, everyone, whether consciously or unconsciously, is acting in what they judge to be their own self-interest. Voters go out and vote because it is in their self-interest to vote for their preferred candidates and see them in office. Non-voters cannot be generalized to be selfish; it can only be fairly assumed that abstaining from the electoral process is judged by them to be in their best interest. Democratic principles value the individuals rational judgment and capacity to make choices; hence, forcing a person to contradict his or her own rational choice is undemocratic. The problem with asserting that it is unfair that citizens vote while others do not is that dilutes the dynamism in a democracy. Compulsory voting also does not guarantee equality in terms of encouraging equal participation from various gender or educational groups. While this is asserted by proponents of compulsory voting, there is no empirical evidence to back this up. Studies however suggest that while compulsory voting has been observed to stimulate high voter turnout in some countries, it has not been observed to promote equal participation in those countries. A study (Quintelier, Hooghe, and Marien 2008) indicates that specific categories of potential voters refrain from voting, leading to the electoral dominance of more privileged groups within the population. The authors studied 36 countries that participated in the 2004 International Social Survey Programme. They found that while compulsory voting is associated with higher turnout rates, it has not led to a significant growth in electoral participation among gender or educational groups. 3. Compulsory voting cannot guarantee political legitimacy. Perhaps the strongest argument for implementing compulsory voting in countries is that higher voter turnouts strengthen the political legitimacy of a government. Non-voting is seen to override legitimacy and make electoral outcomes vulnerable to coups or resistance. When you probe deeper into this argument, non-voting can be construed not as apathy but as contentment with all the running candidates so that whoever wins the electoral contest, is worthy of the non-voters support. When citizens do not vote, this does not necessarily mean that they view any political outcome as illegitimate. Still, supporters of compulsory voting are weary of low voter turnout because it undermines representativeness and political legitimacy. Lijphart said that A political system with the universal right to vote but with only a tiny fraction of citizens exercising this right should be regarded as a democracy in merely a hollow sense of the term (1997, 11).   Proper democratic representation is strongly associated with the notion of free elections. By proper is usually meant that the outcome of the electoral contest was based on the sentiments of a majority of the population. Those that support this argument automatically assume that just because the elections were participated by majority of the population, that governments can assume perpetual legitimacy. This is a misled notion. Legitimacy is conferred not only through elections, but by the subsequent acts, policies, and decisions made by the governments leaders that pursue the general welfare of its population. Essentially, the vote s cast in an election are only a first step toward a governments claim to legitimacy. The more substantial claim is to be derived from the manner in which it leads and represents the collective interests of its citizens. If legitimacy means that government was voted by a majority, then not all legitimate governments are democratic and not all democracies are legitimate. There are governments considered to be legitimate but have passed undemocratic policies, engaged in rampant corruption, or were simply incompetent. Democratic politics is not simply a numbers game. The more substantive view of democratic politics is that it is competitive and cooperative at the same time. Judging political legitimacy based on voter turnout makes a poor analogy. Moreover, on the claims of representativeness, data show that compulsory voting is not a policy to be universalized. Figures from IDEA Show that while there are some countries that have shown impressive turnouts as a result of compulsory voting, the overall picture of voter turnout debunks the claim that countries enforcing compulsion have the highest voter turnouts. Since 1945, besides Italy, only 4 countries with compulsory voting made it to the top 50 countries arranged in terms of voter turnout: Belgium (84.9 per cent), Netherlands (84.8), Australia (84.4) and Greece (80.3). Forty five out of the 50 countries demonstrating a high voter turnout used voluntary voting. Other countries with compulsory voting have the lowest voter turnout in the world such as Egypt which only has a 24.6 percent voter turnout, the second lowest in the world (IDEA 2010). Compulsory voting cannot be equated to active citizenship. Equating a high voter turnout to active citizenship is too simplistic. The Australian experience indicated that while voter turnout was high, the incidence of invalid ballots also increased (Australian Electoral Commission 2006, 4). The phenomenon of donkey voting is a natural consequences of compelling citizens to vote against their own volition. Compulsory voting formalizes the participation of underinformed or uninformed voters who participate in a politically significant process. Opponents of compulsory voting suggest that having uninformed voters cast their ballots is worse than having informed citizens abstain from the vote. The more substantive definition of citizenship is how much informed citizens are about their society and the ways they contribute into the democratic process. Their contribution should not be measured exclusively on voting alone. For instance, in the U.S., where voter turnout is relatively lower than in Australia, the strength of public opinion in the U.S. is higher and laws have been modified, passed, or rejected in deference to public opinion (Mastrel 2003, 960). It could be safe to say that political outcomes are worse if the citizenry is uninformed than if the citizenry does not wish to vote (Evler, 2009, 32). Conclusion There is no question that the electoral process is an important part of democratic society. There is also no question that voting is a moral duty of every citizen in a democracy. The question is whether or not a person can be compelled to vote against his own judgment in the interest of democracy. The discussion revealed the many advantages of compulsory voting as experienced in countries like Australia, Belgium, and Italy and how this has contributed to higher voter turnouts. Nonetheless, the reading of democracy must not be reduced to the level of electoral participation alone. Voting, however important it may be is only one form of political participation, and as experience shows, not a very conclusive one. Elected governments have been toppled down, leaders have been removed, or refused reelection despite claims to legitimacy because of democratic elections. Electoral participation is valuable because it enables citizens to choose from among candidates who are considered the best to lead the country. Democratic societies respect individual freedom, including the freedom not to vote. Voting is a rational choice that a citizen decides to exercise when it is in his or her best interest to do so. Compelling him or her to exercise such is undemocratic. The higher turnout rates in countries with compulsory voting may not be necessarily good. Experience has shown that countries with compulsory voting also have high invalid or protest votes. Democracy cannot be enhanced when citizens go out and vote just because they have to and in order to avoid sanctions. Only when citizens freely decide to participate in the electoral process can their votes be authentic and truly reflective of their preference. Democratic government is a complex system that values not only electoral participation but providing avenues for people to express their choice, equality, freedom, and reasoned judgment.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

History of the Internet :: Computer Network

A Free Net The Internet has revolutionized the communication world in unprecedented ways. It allows worldwide broadcasting, global distribution of information, and it is a medium for the interaction and communication of individuals without regard for geographic location. Thirty years ago, America?s principal Cold War think-tank, the RAND Corporation, faced a strategic dilemma: how could the United States authorities successfully communicate after a nuclear war? The solution was a network of individual nodes, computer units that would send and receive information in a random manner. If one area of nodes were destroyed the message would bounce between the others. After the Cold War ended, and the threat of nuclear war subsided, the potential for this ?internet? was realized. Of course, in the beginning, it was small and difficult to make use of, but as more corporations and different social groups began to possess powerful computers, the network grew and became more useful. As with the growth of fax machines in the early 1990?s, the Internet was only practical if someone else had one to communicate with. Today, the Internet has moved out of its original base in the military and research institutions and into schools and learning centers, public libraries and commercial sectors. It is now a vast system of millions of computers, not only corporate and military, but personal as well. The Internet can be used for the purpose of gathering information and communicating. The Internet enables users to surpass the distance barrier and Page 2 communicate with anyone on the face of the planet, provided that they have access to a computer. According to recent research, the world?s Internet population is only expanding. By the year 2002, it is estimated that 490 million people will have Internet access. At the end of this year, the United States will have 135.7 million users - that?s 36.2% of the total world users (CyberAtlas). Lately there has been another addition to the usefulness of the Internet, the sales of products and services. These transactions are known as e-commerce, the ?e? standing for electronic. In 1998 a three-year moratorium banned the taxing of Internet use and on- line spending. Currently, a new law is looking to extend this ban another five years. There are currently 7,500 state and local tax systems throughout the United States. These numbers could be significantly increased if state and local governments were able to tax e-commerce. On-line businesses would be buried in costly paperwork trying to meet the terms of conflicting tax clauses. Under the current system, it is difficult to determine the locality from which an order was placed and it is unclear where an Internet

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Coping with Change, Managing Uncertainty Essay -- essays research pape

Coping with Change, Managing Uncertainty Introduction 'Thirty years ago most people thought that change would mean more of the same, only better. That was incremental change and to be welcomed. Today we know that in many areas of life we cannot guarantee more of the same...[we] cannot even predict with confidence what will be happening in our own lives.' (Handy, 1991) He differentiates between incremental and 'discontinuous' change, suggesting that the combination of economics and technology form a potent blend in this. We can see that Higher Education (HE) Library and Information Services (LIS), are part of an environment which is subject to both incremental and discontinuous change: Political - increased control from central government Sociological - the information age Educational - the mass HE system Technological - networking, computing and telecommunications Organisational - new structures Economic - increased demand for value for money Cultural - changed norms and values In LIS the move from holdings of information sources in-house to electronic access to remote sources, along with the pressure to provide more services with fewer human and financial resources brings its own kind of change: New structures such as team-working Collaboration with a range of different groups and individuals Additional skills for staff and users Increased management and decision-making Heavier workloads LIS managers and their staff need to adopt positive strategies to cope with these changes: 'Library administrators must become facilitators. They must understand how the world is changing and how the library must change. And they must also learn to be masters at persuasion, since wherever there is change there will be resistance.' (Moore, 1995) Coping with change rests on two struts: understanding change and managing change. Coping with change: understanding Practical steps can be taken to increase knowledge and understanding: SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis TQM (Total Quality Management) exercises Group planning exercises Programmes of visiting speakers Training needs analysis Environmental scanning Electronic discussion lists User surveys Internal staff surveys Away days External seminars, conferences and workshops Shared experience sessions Understanding uncertainty 'Information technology is ve... .... Mowat (eds). Networking and the future of libraries: managing the intellectual record. UKOLN and LA. Corrall, S. (1995 b) Academic libraries in the information society. New Library World, 96 (1120), 35-42. Garvin, D.A. (1994) Building a learning organisation. Business Credit New York, 96 (1), 19. Handy, C. (1991) The Age of Unreason. In: Henry, Jane (ed) Creative Management. Sage Publications, 269-282. Majaro, S. (1988) The Creative Gap. London, Longman. Moore, M. (1995) Impact of the changing environment on academic library administration: conflicts, incongruities, contradictions and dichotomies. Journal of Library Administration, 22 (1), 13-36. Morgan, G. (1991) Emerging waves and challenges. In: Henry, Jane (ed). Creative Management. Sage Publications, 283-293. Riggs, D. (1997) What's in store for academic libraries? Leadership and management issues. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 23 (1). 3-8. Walton, G. and Edwards, C. (1997) Strategic management of the electronic library in the UK higher education sector: implications of eLib's IMPEL2 project at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle. In: Raitt, D. (ed) Libraries for the New Millennium, 169-198.

Characteristics and behaviors of an effective counselor Essay -- Psych

Characteristics and Behaviors of Effective Counseling The purpose of this paper is to analyze counselor behaviors and characteristics utilizing a case study from the COUN 6100 learning resources (n.d.). The first section will include aspects of the counselor’s responses I find to be effective. The next will examine areas where I see the counselor’s interactions as ineffective. The final section will feature an overview of how the factors in the preceding sections might impact the case study session. Effective Characteristics and Behaviors Levitt (2001) stresses active listening as a key element of successful counseling interactions. This listening style includes a number of verbal and nonverbal skills that give the client a sense of being heard and understood (Cooper, 2010). I was only able to analyze the verbal aspects of the counselor’s interactions due to the nature of the case study. The counselor in this scenario does a good job of asking several open questions and paraphrasing the client’s thoughts. An example of an open question is when he says, â€Å"Tell me about what anger issues look like for you.† This gave more control to the client and elicited specific information to deepen the conversation (Cooper, 2010). There is a time in the scenario when the counselor suggests that the client’s wife come to the session, despite the client’s earlier comments about his wish to focus on himself. The counselor realizes his mistake and apologizes to the client immediately. He then reflects on how that exchange might have felt, which is validated by the client. This could be effective in strengthening their relationship. The summary is another important way for the counselor to help the client organize key thoughts, feelings and... ...tentiveness, I think that the therapeutic relationship started in this scenario can be productive. References Cooper, J.B. (2010). Counseling microskills. In B.T. Erford (Ed.), Orientations to the Counseling Profession: Advocacy, ethics, and essential professional foundations (pp.148-162). New Jersey: Pearson. Levitt, D. (2001). Active Listening and Counselor Self-Efficacy: Emphasis on One Microskill in Beginning Counselor Training. Clinical Supervisor, 20(2), 101. Tape Transcript. (n.d.). [Learning resource]. Retrieved from Sheperis, D.S. and Ellis, C.M., (2010). The counseling process. In B.T. Erford (Ed.), Orientations to the Counseling Profession: Advocacy, ethics, and essential professional foundations (pp.124-147). New Jersey: Pearson.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Eurodisney Business Case Essay

1) How could the company have erred so badly in its estimates of spending patterns of European customers? * The idea was market Euro Disney as a complete holiday package and encouraging people to stay in the hotels and eat all meats in the complex. * While setting prices the Company was unable to estimate spending patterns of European consumers and competitors price alternatives. Due to the location advantage and incredible accomodation prices consumers prefer to stay in the city center. * Travel time to Paris city center from Euro Disney is only 35 minutes and cost of accomodation in Disneyland is as much expensive as a best hotel in Paris. People prefer to stay overnight in the city center instead of staying in the park. * At the end of 1992, it became clear that the numbers were not being met – there was a recession and people were bringing their own food and not staying in the hotels for many nights. Park admission prices were also very high ($42.25US for adults) * Skimming Pricing: is relatively high pricing strategy. It is tempting where product is highly differentiated. Setting prices assuming that demand will not be determined by price and therefore the price can be high with large profit margins. It assumes inelastic demad curve, which sales will not affected by prices. * Penetration Pricing: Setting prices assuming that demand will increase with lower prices and decrease with higher prices and therefore there are limitations on your profit margin. Elastic demand curve assumption. * Eurodisney saw itself in a monopoly position, and positioned itself in a relatively inelastic demand curve with attracting customers regardless of higher prices. As a result of skimming pricing policy high prices, visitors shortened their stay, avoided hotels abd brought their own food and drink. Many visitors arrived early in the morning, staying late at night or check out early in the morning. 2) Could a better reading of the impact of cultural differences on revenues have been achieved? There were a few cultural blunders made: * A no alcohol policy (wine is customary for lunch and dinner in France) and this discouraged visitors * It made mistakes with predicting the peak periods and had to lay off a number of staff when there were fewer visitors, but France has very strict labour laws so they found this to be very difficult * Disney failed to predict demand for breakfast. They told that Europeans dont take breakfast however demand for breakfast is 10 times more than capacity * Tour bus drivers were not catered for properly, so tour companies did not recommend visiting Euro Disney as much as they would have * In America there is a well-established theme park culture. In planning Euro Disney there do not seem to have been many contingency plans established. The attitude towards customer habits was very complacent, assuming that there would be so many customers every day, each staying an average number of nights spending an average amount of money (for America that might be the case). * Leftist demonstrators against to American culture. They called the Park an American cultural abomination. * Disney management failed to research the culture thoroughly enough 3) What suggestions do you have for fostering a climate of sensitivity and goodwill in corporate dealings with the French? * Cultural differences need to be addressed and not just assume that the foreign country will adopt domestic views. The way Europeans took holidays, bought souvenirs, took transport and ate, all affected Euro Disney’s performance * Disney did not understand the differences in the United States compared to European Labor Laws. This resulted in a waste of funding because labor costs in Europe were significantly higher than in the United States 4) How do you account for the great success of Tokyo Disneyland and the problems of Euro Disney? What are the key contributory differences? Euro Disney contrasted Tokyo in a number of ways. * Disney invested heavily in the Euro initiative while it never invested any funds in the Tokyo Park since the Tokyo Disneyland was owned and operated by the Oriental Land Company. * Tokyo Disneyland was a major success with a turnover of over 16 million in 1991 as compared to the low turnover in the Euro Disney. * An increasing trend in Japan towards leisure along with increasing appetite for the American food as opposed to the French who never valued the American foods contributed a lot to the success of Disney land in Tokyo. 5) Do you believe that Euro Disney might have done better if located elsewhere in Europe rather than just outside Paris? Why or why not? * With change of location to be somewhere else in Europe other than Paris, Euro Disney could have not done any better. This is because people in the Europe follow relatively similar cultural norms. It was not only the French who had problems with them, but also others. In Spain where they thought of at first had no adequate space for the establishment of the facility. The master spirit on the sides of the Americans could also not allow them to work in any environment. Moreover a general wave of recession and economic downturn all over the Europe, did not allow such capital intensive project. 6) â€Å"Mickey Mouse and the Disney Park are an American cultural abonimination†. Evaluate this critical statement. * Although European public acceptance of the theme park itself has not been a problem for Euro Disneyland there has been a different type of cultural clash. Most Europeans believe there is cultural imperialism * â€Å"Mickey Mouse and the Disney Park are an American cultural abomination† This is a statement connected to the hard line taken by the French Leftist who never accepted the American people to erode their culture. They claimed the pollution on their country’s cultural ambience was due to the arrival of Mickey Mouse and the company. They wanted to see more European culture in the park than the American culture. 7) Consider how a strong marketing approach might be made to both European consumers and middlemen, such as travel agents, tour guides, even bus drivers. * The strategy was very greedy in buying all the surrounding land so no one else could benefit from the project. This is not going to promote any local support and isolates the project from and other business support. The scale of the investment also isolated them more in the case of a failure. * The idea was to market the Disney as a complete holiday encouraging people to stay in the hotels and eat all meals in the park. * The travel time to Paris was 35 minutes from Euro disney and the hotel Disney cost as much as the best hotel in Paris, many people may prefer to stay overnight in the city center. * High competition in tourism industry. People passing through the area may decide to take the more traditional visit to Paris instead. * Marketing approach is very strong local partnership is important. In planning, Disney were more interested in the moneymaking ventures than the fundamental details such as providing enough restrooms for coach drivers. Inpatient drivers resulted a decrease in the number of visitors. * Tour guides have direct communication with customers. 8) Discuss the desirability of raising admission prices at the very time when attendance is static, profits are nonexistent, and new attractions are months and several years in the future.   * Skimming Pricing: is relatively high pricing strategy. It is tempting where product is highly differentiated. Setting prices assuming that demand will not be determined by price and therefore the price can be high with large profit margins. It assumes inelastic demad curve, which sales will not affected by prices. * Eurodisney saw itself in a monopoly position, and positioned itself in a relatively inelastic demand curve with attracting customers regardless of higher prices. As a result of skimming pricing policy high prices, visitors shortened their stay, avoided hotels abd brought their own food and drink. Many visitors arrived early in the morning, staying late at night or check out early in the morning.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Piotr Ilytich Tchaikovsky’s “1812” Essay

Composed by internationally-known classical musician, Piotr Ilytch Tchaikovsky, the classical music piece â€Å"1812 Overture in E Flat Major, Op. 49†, reflects the French invasion in Russia which was never victorious. With its full title, â€Å"The Year 1812,† Op. 49; French Ouverture Solonelle), the classical music also implies the withdrawal of Napoleon in 1812 during the Napoleonic Wars.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The musical elements in the composition display some underlying themes which made it more interesting: tone, rhythm, harmony, and form.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tone uniquely displayed the varying pitch all through out the musical piece. This is manifested by the high pitch and low pitch that could be observed in the piece. The combination of the different pitches made the musical piece interesting to listen to.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Meanwhile, another interesting about the musical elements present in the composition is its rhythm. Tchaikovsky used unique sound representations in the composition, some of which are the horns and the firing of the cannons.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another musical element is harmony. Despite the different pitches and rhythm present in the piece, the harmony of the musical notes and instruments that are used appear to be in agreement with each other; no â€Å"out-of-place† tunes could be observed, I think.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lastly, the form of the musical piece is also worth noting. The form which tells about the over-all structure of the musical composition is also outstanding. The combination of the musical notes, tempo, tone, and the other elements came out smoothly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, the 1812 Overture became known for its â€Å"real cannon fire† effects when it is performed live in outdoor events. Meanwhile, if the performance has to be done indoor, the orchestras use sounds representing the cannon fire through computer-generated sounds. Tchaikovsky entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory where he realized his true calling in the field of music. After some years, he later moved to another conservatory where he met a group of Russian composers. Those Russians were known to be nationalist which somewhat inspired Tchaikovsky in his second symphony entitled, The Little Russian. Being known as not sufficiently Russian and â€Å"cosmopolitan,† he was later rejected by this group. In 1880, Nicholas Rubenstein, Peter Illych Tchaikovsky’s mentor, suggested to Peter that a striking celebratory piece should be composed for festivities. The piece was to be presented in the square near the cathedral, with the accompaniment of a magnificent orchestra, cathedral bells and live cannon fire to attain the exactness stipulated by the musical score in which every shot was written exclusively (Lampson, 1999). Reference: Lampson, D. (1999). Piotr Ilyitch Tchaikovsky.  Ã‚   Retrieved April 12, 2007, from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

American Reform Movements Essay

When the United States was founded, neither women nor African Americans had civil rights. This all began to change in 1800’s when people began to fight for equality. The Women’s Rights Movement and the Abolitionist Movement, although different in leadership and protest, were similar in their motivation and spread of ideas. One key differentiation between the fight for women’s rights and for African Americans rights is the methods of protest and gathering. While women held conventions and occasional strikes, slaves organized violent rebellions and insurrections. In Lowell in February of 1834 Women were peacefully protesting the unfair wages and conditions they worked in. (Nash). In 1848 the first Woman’s Rights Convention was held in Seneca Falls (Abolition). On the other end of the spectrum, in August of 1831, Nat Turned and approximately 40 other slaves traveled from house to house and killed every white person they encountered (Nat). This shows a clear difference between how women’s rights and how American American rights were sought after. Another significant difference between the fight for women’s right and for African American rights was the people in leadership. In both of these movements, the key writers and leaders were usually white. This was obviously due to the fact that most African Americans were still enslaved; therefore, they often weren’t allowed to congregate and had no access to the tools necessary for writing and spreading information. Because of this, passionate white people took charge of both fights. Even some women became prominent leaders in the abolition movement. Angelina Grimke and Sarah Moore Grimke became famous for making speeches to about slavery (The Abolition). Other women who were active in the abolitionist movement became interested in women’s rights as well; women working to secure freedom for African Americans began to see similarities in their situation as white women and the situation of enslaved black men and women (The Abolition). African Americans did not have as much of an opportunity to fight for their rights which led to some leaders in the abolitionist movement who weren’t affected by it. One thing that ties both freedom movements together is their motivation. In the early 19th century, married women were denied rights to own and manage property, to form contracts, to sue and be sued, and to exercise legal control over their children. In addition, women were prohibited from voting or holding public office and were denied access to higher education and high professions (Nash). Married women had no legal identity apart from their husbands. Divorced women could not gain custody of their children. Similarly, African Americans did not have the right to own property or to exercise legal control over anything; additionally they could not vote in a public election and were only worth three fifths of a person in state representation. African Americans were deprived of a real education or high authority jobs. Both groups of people lived in very similar situations and were motivated by their lack of freedom to fight for their human rights. In the Abolitionist Movement and the Women’s Rights Movement, the use of pamphlets, newspapers, and books were very advantageous. Women wrote articles for Humanitarian Rights papers, circulated Rights pamphlets, and spread, signed, and delivered petitions to Congress calling for equal rights. In 1854 Douglass wrote the autobiography, My Bondage and My Freedom (Abolition). News Papers such as The Liberator made a large contribution to the gain in support for Rights movements. Both movements largely benefited from pamphlets, papers, and books in spreading their ideas. The fight for the abolition of slavery and for women’s rights shared many similarities and differenced. The Abolitionist Movement was much more violent and morbid compared to the Women’s Rights Movement. However, both movements were motivated by the same want and need for freedom and equal rights, and they both heavily relied on the spread of ideas through pamphlets and newspapers. Overall, both of these fights are a very important part in American history and contribute to future events including the current issue in communist countries such as North Korea to gain freedom from government oppression for all citizens. â€Å"Abolition, Women’s Rights, and Temperance Movements. † National Parks Service. U. S. Department of the Interior, 1 Mar. 2008. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. Nash, Gary, and Julie Jeffrey. â€Å"The Lowell Factory System. † Web. 17 Nov. 2014. â€Å"Nat Turner’s Rebellion- 1831. † PBS. PBS. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. â€Å"The Abolition Movement and Woman Suffrage. † National Women’s History Museum. 1 Jan. 2007. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

We should not add our parents in facebook

We should not add our parents as friend on backbone According to the statistic updated in year 2013, there are total numbers of 1. 26 billion of Backbone users. It is common to have a Backbone account, vice versa. The percentage of teenagers that add their parents as friend on Backbone Is 70%. 70% of them think that there is no problem to add their parents as friends on Backbone. However, It Is my view that I should not add my parents as friends on Backbone as It retrains me from being myself, Invades my privacy and makes me feel embarrassed.As I am a normal 18 years old teenager, I have a Backbone account too. I have added my mum as friend 3 years ago. When the first time I posted a selfless of myself on my Backbone wall, my mum mandated me to delete the photo. The reason she said Is, â€Å"The photo Is ugly, don't put out your tongue when you take a picture! † I had followed what she want me to do, but also remove her from my friend list. There are millions type of me inside , my mum want me to be a teenager that has good image, but what I want to do is being myself.I think adding parents as friends on Backbone retrain me room being myself. There is no freedom to post a picture or a post on my Backbone, as parents will afraid that we have no good impression in others mind. In addition, there are no privacy between me and my parents if I added them as my friends on Backbone account. It is because they can see whatever things you post on your Backbone wall. They will constantly stalking your page and bombarding you with questions that make you feel like you have no social life or privacy.When you post a status written about you are feeling blue today, your parents will try to know about hat happen on you even though you choose not to tell them. Although it is a responsibility of parent to know more about their children, but there is a wall of privacy between parent and children. If children choose to make the thing happen on them as a secret to their pare nts, but they want to share it with friends, they will face â€Å"to be or not to be, that is a question. † Lastly, adding parents as my Backbone friend make me feel embarrassing.As I am from different generations with my parents, we would have different views and thoughts on certain things. My parents judge me In a way that make me feel uncomfortable, misunderstood, or even worse, embarrassed as they are made fun and chastised by my friends because of Judgments made by my parents. When they comment on each of my picture and post, they TLD notice that the comment sounds like talking to a small kid. They treat me childishly Like a kid as they didn't notice that I am already an 18 years old teenager. It Is so embarrassing If my friend see what they comment.As a result, there are many disadvantages If teenagers add their parents as friends on Backbone. Therefore, teenagers should not add their parents on Backbone. Whether the reasons are for being themselves, privacy or image pr oblem, they should delete their parents from the friend list. We should not add our parents in backbone By Koala-Neon percentage of teenagers that add their parents as friend on Backbone is 70%. 70% of However, it is my view that I should not add my parents as friends on Backbone as it retrains me from being myself, invades my privacy and makes me feel embarrassed.Backbone wall, my mum mandated me to delete the photo. The reason she said is, â€Å"The photo is ugly, don't put out your tongue when you take a picture! † I had followed would have different views and thoughts on certain things. My parents Judge me in a parents. When they comment on each of my picture and post, they didn't notice that the comment sounds like talking to a small kid. They treat me childishly like a kid as they didn't notice that I am already an 18 years old teenager. It is so embarrassing if my friend see what they comment. As a result, there are many disadvantages if

Friday, September 13, 2019

Multimedia website report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Multimedia website report - Essay Example ..................................................................................................3 2. Analysis and Requirements Phase.........................................................................................3 2.1. Types of requirements....................................................................................................3 2.2. User requirements...........................................................................................................3 2.3. Client requirements.........................................................................................................4 2.4. Technical requirements................................................................................................. 4 2.5. Survey and critique of similar websites..........................................................................5 2.6. Analysis of requirements.................................................................................................5 3. Desig n Phase..........................................................................................................................5 3.1. Web designs....................................................................................................................6 3.2. Web layouts.....................................................................................................................6 3.3. ... .............................8 3.6. Structural chart.................................................................................................................8 3.7. Categories of information................................................................................................8 3.8. Paper prototypes...............................................................................................................9 3.9. Formative evaluation of designs......................................................................................9 4. Implementation Phase.............................................................................................................9 4.1. Functions and features of the website and the justification.............................................9 4.2. Usability and accessibility...............................................................................................10 5. Evaluation Phase................................................... .................................................................11 5.1. User evaluation................................................................................................................11 5.2. Client evaluation..............................................................................................................11 5.3. Technical evaluation........................................................................................................11 5.4. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) evaluation..............................................................12 6. Conclusion..............................................................................................................................12 7.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

MSc Practical UNIX Security ''LDAP'' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

MSc Practical UNIX Security ''LDAP'' - Essay Example The Light Weight Directory Access Protocol is a communication standard that provides a communication channel for the clients within a directory service. A comprehensive definition of LDAP is defined as â€Å"Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, a protocol which helps find people, computers and other resources on a network. Designed to work with existing address-book standards and improve compatibility between widely differing systems, the ldap standard was adopted by the ietf in 1997 and now forms the basis of many white-page directories on the web. It has also been incorporated directly into some software programs and operating systems, making it possible to find e-mail addresses without visiting a directory site† (Ldap. 2003). LDAP was established after X.500 protocol, which was also a directory service standard protocol. ... Active directory is â€Å"an implementation of LDAP directory services by Microsoft for use in Windows environments. Active Directory allows administrators to assign enterprise-wide policies, deploy programs to many computers, and apply critical updates to an entire organization. An Active Directory stores information and settings relating to an organization in a central, organized, accessible database. Active Directory networks can vary from a small installation with a few hundred objects, to a large installation with millions of objects† (Active Directory. 2007). Few checklists are applicable including the network connectivity testing and raising the Active directory domain functional level to Windows 2003. Moreover, for Linux / UNIX, ‘identity management module’ installation is required on the domain controller along with the configuration of NIS server. LDAP Account Management In order to manage account in the UNIX network environment, the Unix systems are con figured with Microsoft Active directory for centralized management of user accounts. Moreover, it also solidify network security by integrating role based access and Kereberized authentication. Consequently, the operational cost is minimized, for the management of UNIX accounts. Moreover, UNIX contains various features for authentication and authorization. The authentication is concerned with user authenticity and authorization is related to ensure that users have been granted to perform tasks. However, there are some issues associated with UNIX account management: Synchronization is not properly conducted Vulnerabilities related to NIS Operating on LDAP services without multiple platform support Standardized management for

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

RESPONSE ESSAY SUMMARY SHEET Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

RESPONSE SUMMARY SHEET - Essay Example paper analyzes some common negative externalities, as well as possible ways through which government intervention may control and regulate these externalities. The study conducted in this paper is based upon a case study of the wastewater management system in Australia. The analysis of negative externalities in this case study is better approached by tackling the following three questions: 1. Explain what negative externalities are, and why there may be the case for government intervention to address them. Describe some of the ways to correct the negative externalities and the pros and cons of each method. Provide real life examples. An externality occurs when some activities by consumers or producers result in unintended direct or indirect effects over other unintended players in the market. Externalities may be negative or positive (Laffont 2008). In this case, negative externalities arise when the action of a party results in damage to other people without any form of compensation being awarded for that damage. Within the context of a business environment, a negative externality refers to a spill-over of an economic transaction that result in negative effects on a party that has no any direct involvement in the activity that causes the externality. Thus, the first party does not incur any costs for the repercussions on society while the second party gets no benefits from the effects inflicted upon them. Externalities constitute one of the many reasons that lead to government intervention within the economic sphere. Thus, it is because the production, consumption, as well as investment decisions made by households, individuals, and organizations or firms usually affect people who are not directly involved in the transactionsMost externalities fall into the technical externalities category. In this context, the indirect effects impact on the production and consumption opportunities of other people, though the cost of the product or service does not consider

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Unit 6 management of information systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Unit 6 management of information systems - Essay Example 3 years tracking duration, use two sales tracking methods, and promise being able to be part of an ‘exclusive group of affiliates’ so that affiliates can â€Å"be happy and earn money†. There is no cost to join, and participation is open to everyone but subject to review. Program Details: Monthly payments by paypal or wire transfer with a minimum payout of $100. Joining the program requires filling in a registration form, after which the website will be evaluated for suitability. No other promises are made. Program Details: Site promises to give 50% of any income it receives from visitors referred. Payment is monthly as long as the amount exceeds $25 otherwise it gets carried over to the next. No further promises are made. Choose a topic in which you are interested. Select three different search engines (e.g., Google, Yahoo!, and MSN) and use them to look for information about the subject. Rank the performance of each site. A long list of sites that provide too broad a range of information is bad; a shorter list of sites that provide more narrowly defined information is good. Explain your ranking. The topic selected to test the search engines was ‘making a solar powered water heater’. The aim was to obtain detailed information with clear instruction on how to make such a device on one’s own. The search engines tested were Google, Yahoo and MSN accessed on 10 August 2009, and only the first page of results were analyzed. After entering the key terms ‘make’, ‘solar’, ‘power’, ‘water’ and ‘heater’, the following results were obtained: Google returned about 545,000 results displaying the first 10 (as standard) in 0.25 seconds, plus a further 11 sponsored links. The top link in the list was This is an excellent collection of copious information and links (with summaries) to other sites rightly deserving its position at no.1. Yahoo’s top result was at no. 2 on

Monday, September 9, 2019

Stem cell research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Stem cell research - Essay Example The usability of stem cell therapy is wide but for this the destruction of young life cannot be allowed on ethical grounds. Stem cell research could pave way to a medical world where solution can be sort out for many fatal diseases but the brutality involved in it cannot be disregarded. Human embryo in any way cannot be suggested to be employed for the research or for the treatment purpose. The consequences and medical ethical point of view to stem cell research is important to study as it is connected with the destruction of a budding life. Stem cells are living from of human and it contains DNA and destruction of one life should never be a ladder to the life of another. The information and facts for this study has been in qualitative form as it is obtained from internet sources, books and journals. A thorough study of literature has been conducted and analysis and assessments are drawn accordingly. The Stem cell research Stem cells are undifferentiated cells of dualistic nature fou nd in human embryos and animal’s .The stem cells while remaining undifferentiated has the capability to expand or can differentiate and contribute to the development or repair of tissues of the body. In the website (Deem,2009)writes that â€Å"According to many stem cell researchers, embryonic stem cells are the preferred stem cells for cell-based therapies. Although they tend be more versatile than adult stem cells, other sources (including umbilical cord stem cells) have proven to be just as versatile†. The remarkable potentiality of the stem cells to develop in to different cell type is the advantage many scientists want to make use in future. Recently scientist has used only two types of stems cells namely: embryonic stem cells and non – embryonic stem cells. The stem cells present in the embryos have the unique capability of regenerating when introduced in the body of diseased or injured person. Stem cells have the potentiality in treating people suffering from heart diseases and diabetes. Stem cells are different from other cells present in the body. Unlike blood cells, nerve cells or muscle cells which do not replicate stem cells have the ability to replicate. Presently the scientist is under the process of studying the signaling pattern inside and outside each stem cell with their differentiating process. The majority of research and laboratory activities regarding the advantages of stem cells on human health are still yet to begin. Stem cell research also throws light upon the specific properties of stem cells and their contribution to attain new drugs and treatment. Pros and Cons of stem cell research The pros and cons of stem cell research related to embryonic cells can be described as follows. Pros Most people and scientists think that with the help of stem cells from embryo many diseases suffered by the people can be minimized Many people think that stem cells can help scientist in studying and observing the diffentiating proc ess it undergoes through replicating. Some people assume that ,stem cells can help in reproducing major organs of people who are diseased hence prolonging their life expectancy There is argument in scientific world that the excess embryo generated for the in vitro fertilization should be destroyed or utilized for research purpose. The embryo has many vital stem cells than adult cells and cord cells and is

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 50

Marketing - Essay Example The business policy adopted by the Zip Car is a unique one and the key thing is that they are constantly updating it with the time. Offering low rental, better availability, using high technology to attract people specially the young generation is one the key behind their success over the last 8 years. The company is now the leader of the car rental market in the USA and focusing more to boost their profitability by adopting more advanced business strategies according to the culture and structure and requirement of the society. Zip car is one of the well-known car services in the western world. The process was initiated way back taking into mind the need of the customers in and around the urban areas. In every country people who belong to higher class can afford a number of cars but the number of people in that group is very little. Majority of the people cannot afford a car but in most cases they would love to avail the service. Zip car cash onto this option and started providing car to the customer with nominal price, greater and easy availability, taking environmental pollution under control but provide easy and affordable solution to the people belonging to middle class. The company is now the leading car share company in the world providing rental car to the people and having a customer base of over 700,000 passionate customers. The bottom-line of their offering is Wheels when you want the’. A simple registration process, a comparatively lower rental, variety of choice for different occasion an d different purpose –all these making them the leading player in the car rental service. The business was started 8 years back and profit was increasing every time. The business was started focusing urban life as the need is highest over there. Soon they widen their operation and now they started to focus on environmental policy, tracking more corporate client as well to get more strong hold

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - Movie Review Example Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon From the Chinese cultural perspective, the theme of enlightenment refers to the empowerment and mastery into many realms, and in the context of this film, it involves detaching human attachments and achieving emptiness. This theme manifests through the two main characters of Li. The film contrasts the reality of human attachments and its significance in life with that of the emptiness which can lead to enlightenment. That is, the film views the human life as an illusion and detachment as the ultimate way to enlightenment. In the film, Li mentions his attachment to the world as an illusion thereby implying the need for emptiness for attaining the real enlightenment. According to this concept of emptiness, once a person is able to see or feel nothing of the world, then he/she can truly possess the things that are real, which would pave the way for enlightenment. This concept is similarly focused in the film, The Matrix, which represents enlightenment in a modern sci-fi dimension. The f ilm relies on the doctrine of Sunyata, or emptiness, which means everything in the world undergo constant suffering and so breaking free from it facilitates the soul to become enlightened. The director gracefully features the theme of love and even embraces a gentle romantic humanism as a result of failing emptiness. Although, as above-discussed emptiness can lead to enlightenment, when there are love feelings or attachments then emptiness is not possible thereby impeding enlightenment as well.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Development of the learning process of students for progress through after school program Essay Example for Free

Development of the learning process of students for progress through after school program Essay The question of development of students in their childhood is extremely vital that has to be tackled carefully, if not various problems will arise not only at the individual level but also at the national level. To improve the condition, the sanction of fund by the government alone is not sufficient to solve the problems but question remains at the top for its use in right direction at the right time in right amount with consideration of grant, method of constructing the children in the limitation of time and space of adults, the capacity of the children for their success, the implementation of art in their education life with the question of implementation of their education in the development of the community with the help of after school program. If the problem is solved tactfully and effectively, the manifold benefit can be had for the development of the students. The proper implementation of the after school program will bring out the goodness in the students to the society in proper manner. The creativity, which is present in every student by birth, will come out to the society to give strength not only to the students themselves but also to the nation. The article ‘Children At Risk: Constructions of Childhood in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Federal After-School Program’ by Sharon Verner Chappell is not only an informative one but also a fine creation of work of literature. This article may be termed as a vital literature, though it an article, in the contemporary situation due its wide range of data and analysis of the situation of the students of any country. The effectiveness of the article is without the any boundary of the community, language and the nations. The sanction of $4. 5 billion by U. S. government for after school programs through the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (Chappell, S. V. 2006) is an independent variable if we consider the fact about the budget allocation. The amount is decided at the time of budget and at the time of budget preparation other needs are not taken into accounts. Though the actual amount spent will become dependent variable when the number of school and students are taken into consideration. Another example of dependant variable can be seen as the number of good performing students that is directly proportional to increased skill in study and inversely proportional to decreased number of adverse behavior like teen pregnancy. Sanctioning money is very much essential for any project to be completed, considering this assumption the US government has sanctioned the money amount. This may be considered as an important hypothesis. A hypothesis that â€Å"children are active and academically successful (i. e. productive) when they attend a state regulated educational program, whereas those children who do not attend such programs are passive, unproductive, unsuccessful, and by extension, perhaps, not good people† is cited in the article by Chappell (2006). This Operational Research Question is universally acclaimed and it is studied here in the context appropriately. â€Å"The students and the parents both are needed high attention of care and support when they are from high poverty family†. This thought is also implemented in the article. When students are in low-performing school their self-performance is also decreased. In addition to this hypothesis another one like â€Å"when art is introduced in the curriculum, the performance of the students are better many fold from previous†. Another citation by Chappell (2006) from Vadeboncoeur (2005,123), is as ‘notions of time and space can be used to map institutional and narrative landscapes of students. ‘ This is also an important operational research. The definition of term by the article writer is provided in between the sentence by proper explanation in next step in the advancement of the description. After stating some policy, additional information is provided to describe the policy, which act as invisible definition of the term in the article. Some time the definition is given in bracket as in â€Å"reduce the number of children in self-care (latchkey children who take care of themselves)†. The meaning of implemented sentence â€Å"reduce the number of children in self-care† in given in the bracket in later part. Population and sampling procedure is informative and given in between sentence without any tabular form. This keeps the flow of the article readable and enjoyable. One example of this in article is â€Å" Since 2003, 6,800 rural and urban public schools have been served around the country†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Another sampling in the article is given at proper time and places with proper citation method to avoid the ambiguity due to copyright with gives the article a good ornamental decorating. Data source are very huge and the data are collected from the scholarly and valuable articles all related to the subject matter of the article. The tireless, extensive and enthusiastic efforts are given to collect the data from various books, magazines and the websites. The proper care has been taken to collect the data after exhaustive study of the collected materials to produce the article. The data are collected with proper estimation and measurement and the authenticity cannot be suspected as the whole matter is taken from the scholarly articles, authentic magazines and popular books. The psychological and mental estimation of the children are provided with the article with various hypothesis and theory. The data are not provided in any tabular form but are scattered throughout the articles in the manner of information with full lucrative and informative sentence. In the beginning of the article â€Å"amount of $4. 5 million† is mentioned as the sanctioned amount for 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC). Another data is â€Å"6800 rural and public school† but in no any data table. Presentation and interpretation of findings are in very intelligent and economical manner. The various divisions have been done with different sub-heading the article to provide the information in proper and chorological manner. The required data and information can be easily had due to the excellent presentation of the article. Findings have proper interpretation and placed at appropriate place. In this article main theme is the construction of childhood with the help of the ‘after school programs’ to be implemented with the help of various funds allocations by concerned institutions. The methods are described to obtained good results by good students. The need for improvement of economically improvised school along with the economically downtrodden family is emphasized. The need of arts is very much essential for the student to become a good student. Though the article is exhaustive in information and description in the problems mentioned in the titles, the need for further Research cannot be denied. There is a need to study the personal behavior of the students at the time of after school program. Many students may not be interested in such program. So they cannot be forced to do the implemented programs but s/he should be given proper attention to find out the actual need and interest of the students. There is need to conduct the research in the area of students behavior and their interests in the study at the very early age. Strength of the study remains in the area of research. The extensive and exhaustive research is done in proper subject matter. The method of citation is proper and the information put at proper places with the good structure of the paragraph with the flow of the information in one proper direction is always advancing. Weakness of the study is in the method of representation of the data in tabular forms without any comparison method. The compared data would have given better understanding of the situation of the students. The poverty level of the parents of the students and the economically degraded school with opposite situation could have been compared in tabular form for better understanding. The various opinions of the parents and the students could have given better improvement in the study.